Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] it [be] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In fact the wording of the Act makes it clear that it is only as mothers that women are given priority in the public sector .
2 We have been trying for years , centuries , to establish this and it is only because of help from outside that we have been able to do it now .
3 They said that in a political situation , if you had one side you could call it the thesis , say capitalism was the thesis and communism was the other side and that was the antithesis and that these two would one another and it was only when they came together and got their good points both of them adopted , that one was really going to get a satisfactory solution .
4 The right of refugee return remained firmly part of the rhetoric but it was less clear whether it was still as firmly a part of policy .
5 It seemed amazing that it was less than a year since that had been said .
6 At that time , ultrasonagraphy was less developed than it is today and was not available in all 10 treatment centres .
7 I 'm not sure you 've made it any clearer than it was before but erm
8 After Arthur read that paralysing codswallop , the piece of business became impossible and it was only after Fred rang him up and ribbed him about it that he could manage to get the thing off his head again .
9 I mean I mentioned earlier the fact that it might be that people perceive sexual harassment , where in fact the behaviour has been perfectly appropriate and it 's just that the person perceiving it is unused to it , but I think that 's the minority of cases , incidentally .
10 This is fortunate because it is only if the value of the cosmological constant is very small that the universe would be suitable for beings like us .
11 Curator Steven Dyke said : ‘ This building is so authentic because it was just as it was in 1842 .
12 It was a bit of a pill at the time and y used to pay a shilling in the pound , well a shilling was a lot more valuable than it is now and erm I used to begrudge paying in it forty eight and sixpence but it does provide the , well the pleasures of life now , whereby the pens the ordinary old age pension would n't .
13 In previous generations it was much less likely than it is now that grandparents would have lived to know their grandchildren as adults ( see chapters 2 and 3 ) .
14 Volcanoes emit very large concentr very large amounts of hydrochloric acid as a gas H C L gas and earlier in the earth 's history volcanic activity was much , much more widespread than it is now and during this period vast amounts of H C L were emitted .
15 You 're going up two squares at a time and you 're going one two three and it 's usually when you get to around where I tend to do it is erm sort of eight and ten .
16 As he bathed , a sycamore leaf fell between his shoulder blades so that , like Achilles , his perfection was flawed and it was there that the treacherous Lord Hagen thrust his spear .
17 As the heating was off it had been cold , but he had comforted himself with the thought that it was not as cold as it was outside where many of the animals were .
18 I 'm sure that it 's there that the police will be best advised to make their inquiries .
19 This is particularly so in the UK where the social class implications of accent , furnishings and behaviour are so complex that it is rarely if ever possible to produce a domestic situation which is really widely acceptable , in the fullest sense of the word .
20 They 're good but it 's just because they 're rough .
21 He heard the faintest splash , and was not sure whether it was inside or out .
22 No I did n't realise I was n't sure whether it was there or not .
23 Well , it , it , it looked very similar , not quite as good as it is now but er , it was n't no where near as wide of course .
24 I did n't like that because it was less than half and all the bills came out of my wages — £100 electricity bills in the winter for the central heating , £5 gas and £7 a week for other bills .
25 If it 's less than a hundred it 's smaller if it 's more than a hundred it 's greater .
26 The world of the imagination is limitless and it is here that the mind must be freed , but it must also be given the spur of inspiration .
27 It was angry , but I felt safe because it was below and outside .
28 The victim was so shocked that it was more than a month before she reported the attack .
29 Fred Goodyear was so shocked that it was more than eight hours before he raised the alarm .
30 Those who are asking for that — many voices , including important voices , in Northern Ireland are asking for it — would create a situation for everybody in Northern Ireland that would be far worse than it is now and , God knows , it is bad enough at present .
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