Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [that] [pron] [was/were] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Simon denies that anything was said in private or that they were criticised by the coaches or management .
2 I knew that there was a problem and made a note of it erm that it was hereditary and that he was seeing a consultant , but there 's other parts of the C C Q that would actually relate to that and go into it in a lot more detail
3 US intelligence had estimated that North Korea could have nuclear weapons ready by 1993 and that it was taking action to hide the existence of components from possible international inspection .
4 Frankish annals record that Eardwulf visited Charlemagne and Pope Leo III and that he was escorted back by imperial and papal envoys and re-established in his kingdom in 808 .
5 This leaves the manufacturer with the problem of proving that his employees were not negligent and that he was using a safe system .
6 THE shares of Quicks Group raced ahead 22 to 90p yesterday after the Manchester-based car distributor announced a return to the black in 1991 and that it was maintaining its dividend total at 3p , with a 2p final on July 10 .
7 People from the stations we visited in such areas , or whom we encountered upon their being transferred to Easton , felt policing there was not typical and that we were obtaining an unrealistic view .
8 She discovered the material was rotten and that it was contaminated .
9 And there was nothing surer than that he was going to need her when Guido finally caught up with him !
10 We received a message by telephone that this was fine and that we were to get in touch when we were ready to take up the offer .
11 The press notice showed different things — that output was growing , that it was standing still and that it was falling .
12 It is now dear that Waite 's involvement was peripheral and that he was used by North as a cover to conceal the true reason for Jacobsen 's release .
13 P.C. Clifford , the driver of the car , got her name and address and a statement from her , though it does n't amount to anything more than that she was looking over the bridge and saw the body .
14 Apparently she knew enough to tell other people not to worry , but that might mean no more than that she was trying to put a brave face on things .
15 He 'd hoped that it meant no more than that she was growing up and had become aware of herself as a young woman ; that as a consequence it was not quite the done thing for her to rush across a room and hug him like a kid sister , or trip him up in the haybarn and fling herself on top of him like a puppy spoiling for a game .
16 Zarathustra believed that man was involved in this cosmic struggle of good and evil and that he was compelled to choose one side or the other through his own conduct .
17 They could see that the competitor 's pile of chocolate growing ever higher and that they were winning nothing , and yet they were powerless to do anything about it !
18 A few Greeks , however , such as Democritus , held that matter was inherently grainy and that everything was made up of large numbers of various different kinds of atoms .
19 He was just a silhouette against the intense blaze , but she was certain that his mouth was open and that he was singing .
20 The Feldwebel had not moved and I looked all the way up his black leather jack-boots and the thin grey greatcoat with its cheap tin buttons looking as if they had come out of a Christmas pudding before I noticed that his eyes were slightly open and that he was watching me with an uncle 's amusement .
21 She said she was finding Eva difficult and that she was telling lies .
22 other than that I was lost .
23 ( On Feb. 7 , 1990 , Deputy Finance Minister Janusz Sawicki had said that Poland 's foreign debt was US$40,000 million at the end of 1989 and that it was set to reach $43,000 million by the end of 1990 . )
24 She held firm because she knew that the road to compromise was without signposts , that the possibilities for getting lost were manifold and that it was paved with flawed imitations of the truth .
25 The Left believed , and there is little evidence to the contrary even after 30 years of " revisionist " history , that the National government was willing to make concessions out of all proportion to those necessary and that it was supported by influential people who were quite willing to see Hitler at war with the Soviet Union .
26 For the purposes of mens rea or the mental state of the accused , where his awareness is impaired by intoxicants he shall be taken to be aware of that which he would have been aware if not intoxicated , unless he shows either that his intoxication was not self-induced or that it was caused solely by the taking or administration of a substance in the course of medical treatment ( Section 6(5) ) .
27 They were identical to 36–43 except that they were fitted with track brakes and regenerative equipment , for regular use on Anerley Hill .
28 In addition the nurse , too , thought that the parents were uncooperative and that they were hiding something .
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