Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [v-ing] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The car was so low it looked as if a giant had tried to stub it out and it was clear that getting out of the bucket seat gave the Greek momentary altitude sickness .
2 Whether Darrel McHargue would have won on Commanche Run is irrelevant , for this was vintage Lester Piggott — the jockey completely at one with his horse , pushing it just enough to achieve maximum effort but always keeping it balanced , willing and galloping straight for the line .
3 The Woman loomed over the group , tall and brown and smiling down at the two mops of black hair — one over a quizzical smile and the other over a scowl .
4 The number of items prescribed differed across the age bands ( table I ) with a small peak in patients under 5 years old and rising rapidly from the 5–16 to 75–84 age groups .
5 Carson ran up the brick steps to the courtyard 's wooden side-door , rattling the bolt free and stepping out into the narrow alley that ran down the side of the house .
6 And in a second he was under the Man 's arm and out through the cage door , free and gliding over towards the fence by the benches .
7 All of the administrative systems developed on behalf of the modular course have been designed and tested in-house , beginning with a simple program for pre-enrolment information and student progress on a microcomputer in 1972 and leading up to the large and sophisticated management system described in Chapter 7 .
8 Nail clippers might also be required to prevent dew-claws from becoming overgrown and curling round into the dog 's flesh .
9 At first they saw only the little hand — the fist , decomposed but stretching out of the shallow grave .
10 All the dry grass behind the dump of bushes was ablaze and spreading rapidly towards the adjoining hayfield , eating up trails of loose hay on the way .
11 If we were to construct a ‘ ladder ’ of non-fatal offences , starting with the most serious and moving down to the least serious , the offence of attempted murder should be placed at the top .
12 Standing stork-like and hanging on to the various bathroom fittings , she cleaned her teeth and made a reasonable toilet .
13 One day the whole population would be perfect and shining again under the silver dewfall .
14 Sean ( Being really sad and coming in to the library on a sunday to do some work )
15 I certainly do not share the view of Charles Plummer nearly a century ago ( when the fate of Napoleon III was still fresh enough to point an implicit moral ) , that Charles the Bald was " a typical Frenchman in many respects , intellectually clever but caring only for the outward pomp and circumstance of empire without the strength of character to grasp and hold the reality of power " .
16 Cook food in the base of the wok , and then pull the food up the sides to keep warm whilst adding more to the base of the pan .
17 The times of retiring and getting up on the next morning were noted on the diary sheet and marked electronically by pushing the appropriate buttons on the recording unit .
18 And it it it 's called the fog index but the thing that 's interesting about it is that I 've got , I 've got some interesting examples of fog indexes erm and you 'll get people like Churchill who sometimes made speeches and their fog index is quite small you 're going to use this you know example and they might have a fog , fog index that 's fine and what Anne and I are talking about with say something like the Telegraph or the Times or whatever , might have a fog index that people but this is because Churchill was very clear , very concise and going back to the original point about , or some of the original points about this , and I was mak raising these issues earlier this evening one of the great sadnesses that I have is that , is that when I first went into journalism the tabloids as we call them were incredibly well written beautifully styled , well researched and okay they might have been punchier and shorter and everything else , compared to the turning up the er the , the Times or whatever , but they were well written and you might have had , if you can put the fog index test , test on it you might have had a fog index of say six or seven compared to eleven on the Telegraph story , but it was still full of clarity like to read .
19 He half turned his head and addressed the slumped figure in the back , directly behind him now , the menacing gun held low and pointing straight through the upholstery at the middle of his back .
20 There 's no way that a farrier can shoe a horse that is so angry or frightened that it is rearing and leaping all over the place .
21 On the academic site , detailed tephrachronology makes it possible to study patterns in the behaviour of volcanoes — the magma erupted from one volcano may become steadily more acid , or it may show cyclical changes , or it may even vary consistently during each eruption , starting off fairly basic and ending up at the close of the eruption much more acid .
22 This is the kind of question which has no answer , since no difference between commitment and rhetoric will be discernable until refugees are faced with a real choice between some kind of a settlement falling short of the ideal and holding out for the ideal itself .
23 He appealed for members to comment by ringing Brenda on Middlesbrough 244860 or calling in at the club .
24 I hope you are well & looking forward to the sunshine .
25 Dignity right now seemed a bit optimistic , when she could feel her eyes blurring over with tears , but anything was better than standing here at the foot of the stairs , rooted to the spot and subjected mercilessly to his naked inspection of her .
26 It 's much better than standin' out on the cobbles like we used ter do .
27 But it is a damn sight better than going straight over the cliff , ’ he said .
28 Bake for 1¼ hrs until firm and shrinking away from the sides of the tin .
29 Our old friend , The Third Way , is alive and well and mingling happily with the centre-left of German politics .
30 You can not have them arriving late and leaving early like the fashionable New York ladies of the 1890s .
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