Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [noun prp] [conj] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It soon became clear that Sam and Luke had many acquaintances in common ; they chatted easily , and Anna was skilful at drawing Merrill into the conversation .
2 From their article on the latter it is clear that Taskopruzade and Mecdi suppose him to have been located at the Zincirli medrese at Aksaray in Karaman at the time of Molla Fenari 's period of study with him .
3 He has been fined for exposing a wrong that England and Pakistan seemed happier keeping under the carpet .
4 The ball bounced high and Blissett and Uzzell jumped for it .
5 Looser paint-handling , combined with what remained an essentially Cubist sense of design , drawing , layout , was what artists as different as Gorky and Pollock had in common during the mid-1940s .
6 Hard top roads , built in the 1960s , in countries as different as Tanzania and Cameroun have needed total reconstruction in the 1980s .
7 Such was their anxiety during the two days that were left before the exam results were due that Mona and Sheila found it hard to eat or sleep .
8 Of the 138 that Simmons and Richardson put on in 19 overs , the out-of-form West Indies captain contributed only 30 .
9 The Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran ( VIRI ) reported on May 7 that Genscher and Vellayati had discussed bilateral relations and had agreed on the need to maintain Iraq 's territorial integrity .
10 He was convinced that Brampton and Vechey had been brutally murdered , though by whom he could not say .
11 It is sad that Park and colleagues have not understood the logical and moral basis of elective ventilation .
12 How could she admit she was becoming agitated because Silas and Doreen had not yet appeared ?
13 In political terms Nehemiah was a tyrant imposed by the Persians just as much as Histiaeus and others had been imposed as tyrants over Greek cities by the Persian government .
14 The result has been that ‘ investment at the highest levels ever ’ has come from fares , not from any public purse , and that an ‘ economic ’ system has become unsafe as BR and LRT weigh up commercial investment needs against the cost of safety measures and the cost of paying wages sufficient to maintain a safe level of staffing .
15 Step by step they climbed , and as they ascended , black against the dazzling blue sky and glazed under a shroud of ice , a vast figure began to loom : a helmeted head , a flowing cape , a sword in one hand and a child in the other , and beneath its booted feet , visible as Erika and Karl reached the top of the stairs , a broken swastika , and bearing the whole gigantic figure , a grassy mound .
16 Saturday 's 35-minute wedding ceremony was as simple as Anne and Tim had wanted .
17 Though such groups are considered by writers such as Mannheim and Keller to have central roles in organised society , their unity as elites is not usually emphasised and neither is their internal communication or common purpose .
18 Oxford 's bowling was never threatening and looked rather ordinary when Glendenen and Parker began to hurry after a quiet first half-hour .
19 So we have no knowledge on that and Peter and team working and Tony is in the , the body of the hall we had quite an extensive discussion over a period of time but perhaps cumulating last Friday , a week last Friday , on the N treble C and we are calling a special lay- delegates conference on the first of July in Sheffield , with one item on the agenda team working .
20 After a year it was so hard that Chola and Mina had to hack it out with adzes .
21 It was in one of these that Sophia and Penelope had seen the stranger .
22 It was around 1969 that Bacon and Eltis allege that the situation changed , with the strength of organized labour becoming more apparent .
23 It seems very likely that Lewis and Tolkien collaborated in their analysis of Christian essentials ; The Silmarillion , with its exile from paradise , its ages of misery , and its Intercessor , is a calque on Christian story , an answer to Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained .
24 ‘ We crossed a continent larger than China and India lumped together dragging loads twice as heavy as those dragged by Scott 's men , ’ commented Sir Ranulph .
25 Thirdly , the chapter on education will suggest that the pool of talent in society may be considerably larger than Davis and Moore assume .
26 It is generally considered that the name Corstopitum is corrupt and Rivet and Smith prefer Coriosopitum .
27 Neither had been able to get home for her funeral , but they had telegraphed a big wreath and paid their fair share of the undertaker 's bill , after which the letters and dollars stopped and Vi and Mary had grown even closer .
28 We are all fine and Chris and Nick send their love .
29 It may seem a little naive but Ray and Jean believe it works and it really helps to preserve the ‘ home-from-home ’ atmosphere .
30 The respect in which this shift affected attitudes toward the Copernican system may not be immediately obvious because Luther and Calvin had both made disparaging remarks about the new astronomy .
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