Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adv] [verb] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although it can not be entirely free of period distortions , it shows more modest fluctuations in fertility than the TFR and in particular gives an estimate of fertility of over 2 children for most of the time since 1972 , not the 1.8 or so given by the IFR .
2 But , if they can play as indifferently as this and still win by a record margin , then the Gods are obviously with them .
3 The town also became the home of Scotland 's first university , founded in 1410 and formally recognized by the Pope at Avignon three years later .
4 The London Deaf Video Project ( LDVP ) , established in 1985 and initially funded by the former Greater London Council , exists to provide the deaf community with information through video tapes in BSL Subjects treated so far include AIDS , welfare benefits , the dangers of smoking solicitors and their services , and the need for retirement .
5 Therefore , if the origin of the phenomenon is as recent as the late eighteenth century , it is difficult to explain how it could have become so geographically widespread in so short a time : it was already highly salient and overtly stigmatized by the latter half of the nineteenth century ( for some citations see Phillipps , 1984 , 136–9 ) .
6 The radial shields are large , longer than broad , sometimes contiguous but usually separated by a single row of plates .
7 Visibility from the left-hand seat is above average for an American aircraft ; you can see all around , except for about 30° in the rear , and visibility upwards is acceptable but slightly degraded by the roof which wraps around to the sides of the cabin .
8 The British Army soldiers had been , for a considerable period of time , mainly clad in a red tunic for battle , reputably so that any sign of blood was not easily discerned , but Baden-Powell realised that , with the advance of fire arms , the red tunic provided a more prominent target than the rather drab mixture of green and brown as normally worn by the Boers .
9 If Gunnell herself has cashed in , she 's not been so blatant or obviously motivated by the financial side as other athletes .
10 The Hovertram was built in 1963 and originally sponsored by the Shell Oil Company .
11 Central Television came and made an interview/ documentary film for their weekly current affairs programme Central Lobby , during the course of which I was seen driving around the neighbourhood , first preceding and then followed by the camera crew .
12 The shop , established in 1934 and now run by the founder 's grandsons , is undoubtedly one of the most important delicatessens in the country , vast in its range of goods and uncompromising in its quality .
13 She was happily pregnant and still sustained by the hills .
14 It is probably fallacious to assume that at every level a pebble beach was formed : if the rocks eroded are weak , such as clay , or both fairly weak and chemically attacked by the sea , such as certain types of limestone , there may well have been no or very little beach material formed .
15 The ecology wall charts were to be the most recent in a series of a dozen or so published by the Natural History Museum with sponsorship from BP and featured in their educational catalogue .
16 Another thought surfaced from the chaos in her mind — and stuck , looming larger and more unnerving by the moment .
17 The two older girls had already begun boarding school , so were away for most of the time , and Charles was only three and easily amused by the nanny .
18 They are basically undifferentiated and frequently led by the same class teacher over a 10-year period :
19 Synchronised movement is critical , so the command has to be brief and so timed by a delayed ‘ one-and- pull sort of order .
20 Subdued and also cowed by The Fat Controller 's manner of consummate self-assurance .
21 Meanwhile , the public is not only horrified but also mystified by the killing of a two-year-old in Merseyside , last seen with two older boys .
22 Both Laugh Not and Kipling Groove have a move or two at good 5a that are strenuous and technical but well protected by a nut or peg .
23 Now , their main hopes rest on the striker Dariusz Dziekanowski , a deep disappointment to his countrymen when Poland lost to Gary Lineker 's hat-trick in Monterey in 1986 but lately revived by a transfer to Celtic , for whom he vainly scored four goals in that extraordinary roller-coaster of a European tie against Partizan Belgrade at Parkhead 13 days ago .
24 In fourth gear , the 325i takes 7.3secs to cover 30 to 50mph — respectable but effectively matched by the Vauxhall Cavalier 2000GSi 's 7.4secs .
25 He was tired and undoubtedly moved by the warmth of his welcome .
26 The types of water-dispensing systems currently recognised in the United Kingdom for the protection of high-racked storages are confined to ceiling-mounted and in-rack mounted sprinkler systems using ‘ closed ’ sprinklers i.e. sealed and individually actuated by the fire .
27 Present Hall built by Smiths of Warwick in 1690s and still occupied by the Cave family .
28 Do n't get me wrong I 'm not saying that it was a good idea to sell Batts , on the contrary it was stupid and short sighted by the board but life goes on and if ( no when ) we beat Wednesday this weekend everyone will be a little happier .
29 Lawrence in Sons and Lovers , and he would have known the engine house and pithead winding gear built in 1873 and now preserved by the county council .
30 The issues are extremely complex and little understood by the public , so no great attention is fastened on these debates and concessions can be made without apparent loss of face .
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