Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [noun pl] [prep] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , I think when it comes to bearing selection issues we ought to be clear in which direction we 're going in , now , it 's in our interests at the moment , as we 're unable to produce a larger series of airings in the U K or in Europe , to steer them away from those sort of design , but it seems also to be fairly clear that demands for packaging and compact design for steering gear , tend to be favouring the =mote , remote valve arrangement , therefore putting a considerable advantage
2 People often mention ‘ metal whiskers ’ as if they were the only kind but , as a matter of fact , metal whiskers are less common and less interesting than whiskers of non-metals and it is about these latter that we shall mostly talk .
3 Whereas in Aristotle 's day , and indeed for some two thousand years afterwards , it might have been conceivable that extremes of wealth and poverty , and even slavery , could coexist as part of a single society , by the time of Rousseau that was no longer the case .
4 Meanwhile , hopes are high that plants at Cowley and Swindon will benefit from links with Honda which the company says it will build on .
5 Although this assumption is very likely to be wrong it is still a usable forecast in the sense that it may be no more wrong than forecasts of change that get it wrong .
6 At the same time , kin ties remained a structured link which offered the potential for mutual support , and this was probably more reliable than ties between non-kin and more acceptable than those bureaucratic forms of public support available in the period .
7 It states that morale in the prison was high and relationships between staff and prisoners were good .
8 A brilliant New Moon in your sign on May 2 and aspects to Uranus and Neptune in the travel sector of your chart on the 8th and 9th should send your spirits soaring .
9 Pie day had dawned bright and clear but tons of straw and cinders had to be hastily brought in as vehicles and people sank in the mud caused by the torrential rain of the past few days .
10 At the extreme , rogue manufacturers are trying to cash in on this huge market , and have won multi-million pound orders for technologies that may be sound as pieces of machinery but have not been tried adequately in the field .
11 Converted tractors are increasingly popular as buses in China and India , according to Lovins , who said they use ‘ 75 per cent more fuel per mile than a fully loaded 4-tonne truck ’ .
12 A node in a Kohonen net is simpler than nodes in perceptrons and BMs .
13 buying or selling as agent for a client , options , future or contracts for differences unless the transaction is effected with or through and Authorised third party
14 Yet objects were more than merely utilitarian or symbols of status and achievement .
15 Nor is it impossible that bands of laeti or gentiles were settled in some , if not all , during the late fourth century , but unfortunately the relevant chapter of the Notitia Dignitatum , which listed these barbarian recruits to the Roman army in Britain , is missing .
16 Write your answers on the back of a postcard or envelope no bigger than 5″ × and send it to , .
17 Even when non-Anglican protestants had become accepted as citizens in England and Ireland towards the end of the eighteenth century as they already were in Scotland and Wales , English and Irish catholics remained politically suspect .
18 The F-Plan recipes , meal suggestions and charts on the following pages give you plenty of scope both for doing your own thing and eating your own thing , whether it is something as simple as beans on toast or a sandwich , or something considerably more adventurous .
19 BR says annual revenue on the TransPennine service is up 120pc since 1986 and passengers by 60pc or nearly 7pc a year .
20 BR says annual revenue on the TransPennine service is up 120pc since 1986 and passengers by 60pc or nearly 7pc a year .
21 Mothers born in India had an average fertility of 2.4 and mothers from Pakistan and Bangladesh 4.7 .
22 Corrieshalloch Gorge is not for the timid and sufferers from nightmares but it must be seen .
23 In more homogenous countries than Italy and Belgium , proportional representation does not prevent absolute majorities being won as the record of Fianna Fail in Ireland , of Norwegian and Swedish socialists , of both Labour and Nationalists in Malta and of the British Liberal Democrats ' sister party in Portugal prove .
24 It is not improbable that men worth £1 or less did not begin to attract attention until the later stages of the subsidy bill , as a result of the Commons ' determination to shift the burden of taxation downwards , for if the intention was to rope in labourers and servants as a makeweight , it could not have been seriously supposed that any substantial amount could be wrung from them .
25 As well as corporate crime undermining the public 's faith in the business world , it is also likely that crimes of bribery and corruption by large corporations affect the poorer , less powerful sections of society more than other sections .
26 ‘ Scientific management 's ’ mechanistic and materialistic model of the individual has been criticized for taking no account of other motives for work and , by implication , the diverse interests of which people might be conscious as members of groups and wish to protect and advance through group action .
27 The method of objective observation , while accumulating indispensable empirical data , was often insufficiently conscious of the nature of some of the less tangible cultural processes , of these as elements of history and , crucially , of the effects on observation of the specific social and cultural situation of the observer .
28 Consult a doctor immediately if a mole causes irritation , itching , soreness , inflammation , or bleeding or changes in size or colour .
29 Make sure that keys for window and door locks are accessible , and that every bedroom has an opening casement for use as an escape route .
30 I am sure that levels of commitment and determination are just as high in the other three Regions of .
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