Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adv] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 More recent imports include Stearman N746BJ which , unusually , was actually flown across the Atlantic , arriving at Glasgow on July 30 and then flying on to Gamston the next day .
2 She was to find out that something would startle her like this and then quieten down to an apparent normality , only to find that she had really been shaken up into accepting an entirely unnatural situation and adapting it to the flow of her life .
3 Thomson 's free kick Pearce gets it clear and then won back by Hill but has only gone back to the Forest skipper .
4 The Glasgow Volunteers , disbanded after the Peace of Amiens in 1802 and then called back to the colours again , included the Fifth or Grocer 's Battalion , the Canal Volunteers , and the Royal Glasgow Volunteer Horse of 60 men and , presumably , 60 horses .
5 That 's been on a real high and then gone down to a low to nothing .
6 The complex procedures were executed without a hitch : artillery positions were abandoned by the British and smoothly taken over by French units ; as British battalions moved out at night , their French replacements moved in — and all the while without any sign that the Germans recognized what they were about .
7 What humbug it is for some Opposition Members to say that one should buy British and then travel around in foreign cars .
8 The intricate and narrow ( 5 ; 0.2pc ) filaments of Fig. 6 b are strikingly linear and mostly run parallel to one another .
9 Horoscopes were also extremely popular and frequently drawn up for Protestant clergy and laity ; even Queen Elizabeth , the head of the English church , consulted her astrologer before deciding on a date for her coronation .
10 He 's flirtatious and often comes round without my daughter .
11 Therefore in the USA the methods of collective bargaining associated with the heyday of competitive capitalism were outmoded and eventually destroyed along with the breaking by employers of union control of the labour process .
12 In tropical countries , where disease due to D. viviparus may occur intermittently , the epidemiology is presumably quite different and probably depends more on pasture contamination by carrier animals such as may occur during flooding when cattle congregate on damp , high areas , rather than on the prolonged survival of infected larvae .
13 You could be right , for many people have drifted from one job to another and finally ended up in public relations .
14 Portholes were few and usually hatched over with leering daemon masks .
15 These are itchy and painful and eventually crust over before disappearing after a further week or two .
16 As far as those who not only do this but also work exclusively for a single organization are concerned , it makes the distinction between them and the regular employees of that organization an unclear and almost unreal one .
17 My one reservation concerns their performance on wet rock — however I 've never found a sole that really grips well on it .
18 Despite the fact that regular maintenance was a statutory requirement and despite some successful legal actions to enforce the statutory provisions , regular dredging and attention to leaks were perfunctory or never carried out at all by canal companies owned by the railways .
19 So begins the story of Ragged Dick , or Street Life in New York , Horatio Alger 's first book — the first of 135 tales written in the late 1800s that together sold close to 20 million copies .
20 It is personal and not explained solely by the fact that Lang has a marginal seat and the SNP is the main competitor .
21 I learned so much and soon caught up with the fleet ’ .
22 Oh yes quite so and if they 're doing well they really , local people really get behind them , but they , they 've prom in previous seasons they they 've promised so much and then fell away at the end that people have got a bit disillusioned and discontented so that , but like last year when they were doing well in the cup they erm at Watford I mean loads of people went to see them .
23 The disk is very delicate and often damaged particularly in the centre .
24 Firbas , for instance , suggests that ‘ the basic distribution of CD is implemented by a series of elements opening with the element carrying the very lowest and gradually passing on to the element carrying the very highest degree of CD ’ ( 1974 : 22 ) .
25 There was also what was to become a recurrent feature of Gilkes 's reports — as indeed it had been for a half a century already — regret at the parents ' lack of faith or courage , which resulted in boys leaving early and not going on to University .
26 Several sessions of sports talks , designed to agree upon the formation of a single Korean team for the 1990 Asian Games [ see pp. 36975 ; 37041 ] , were equally unsuccessful and finally broke down on Jan. 29 after the North Korean delegation arrived with a three-metre long picture of the concrete wall to whose alleged existence Kim had referred .
27 Keep both legs taut and straight and gently push up with both arms .
28 I 'd just like to get off my ladder and stop pretending to be somebody else , just be ordinary and not get away with doing this or that — and get away with it laughing .
29 I tell you I was flabbergasted and right terrified out of my wits .
30 Iraq 's nuclear plans seemed to go into abeyance while it was reactorless and still bogged down in its costly war against Iran .
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