Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pron] give i [art] " in BNC.

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1 Tom could see this so he gave me the key to his hotel room and told me to have a shower and put on some of his clothes .
2 I complained to Northumbrian Water about this and they gave me a very dusty answer .
3 It 's good no I tell you why I thought they were crap cos you gave me an album and it had the had Dancing in the Moonlight and that was good but all the other songs on it were really shit .
4 ‘ He was very candid and he gave me the benefit of his thinking about a lot of things , ’ Clinton told reporters after leaving the White House .
5 I find it unpleasant and it gives me an allergy so I 'd rather you did n't from my point of view .
6 At the time Lady Moon , 54 , said : ‘ It was all so easy and it gave me a hell of a buzz , better than drugs .
7 Once she saw , sitting on the pavement before a café , drinking pale green drinks , and embracing , leaning over from their plastic chairs towards each other and embracing , the most beautiful couple ; the man with a face angular and ravaged and tragic , the girl dark and thin , with pale lips in a dark tan face : and she was so moved that she said , aloud to Rosie who was walking with her , " Look , Oh God , look at those lovely people " : and Rosie looked and stared and laughed and said , " Good Lord , what odd ideas you have , I would n't look like that if you gave me a hundred pounds . "
8 Th what Labour would do would be ring fence the money , that 's what Labour would do and I 'll come on to that later if you give me a chance .
9 This made me uneasy , and I was glad when someone gave me a glass of white wine .
10 It was dead right but it gave me a tough act to follow and only Joyce 's famous ‘ George , do n't do that ’ would fit the bill .
11 Their reaction was so encouraging that it gave me the strength to carry on .
12 But they were very kind and they gave me a part in this play , it was called Tilly of Bloomsbury .
13 ‘ I 've never been quite sure what the attraction is except that the job is n't boring and it gives me a private life . ’
14 yeah , I got f I got , my total marks I could 've got was fifty eight and I got fifty four and she gave me a C and she said must improve your marks .
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