Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pron] [is] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 But unfortunately I did remember afterwards , having erm berated myself for this that he is actually based in London at the
2 This was first flown in 1979 , but Bill found himself hanging upside down when the brakes seized on landing , and was reluctant to repeat this so it is now owned by Disney Industries , featuring in a recent film The Rocketeer .
3 At high levels of recursion the pattern becomes quite elaborate , but you can easily see in Figure 2 that it is still produced by the same very simple branching rule .
4 There 's one at Kentish Town , a businessman who smokes big fat cigars like this and he 's half finished them and he throws them on the train and when the doors open no-one clears out the way and he steps on and he 's such as bastard
5 First , non-response was high and it is now known that , as a category , non-respondents are often very different in a number of relevant respects from those who do respond .
7 It 's certainly inhabited by some and it 's certainly inhabited by some .
8 Fish is very popular and it is still preserved and smoked by traditional methods .
9 The project pointed out that an audit is easier if it is carefully planned and responsibility for particular aspects is shared out .
10 The denotational semantics of unc map each process into a domain with a partial order according to which one process is greater than another if it is better defined , or more predictable .
11 Evaluation is still rudimentary but it is increasingly accepted that with services as massive and costly as those described we must develop techniques for measuring their impact and comparing the success and failure of different approaches .
12 As with all COBUILD materials , the emphasis is on English as it is really used today , drawing on the evidence of the COBUILD corpus devised by Professor John Sinclair 's English Language Research team in the University 's School of English .
13 The title ‘ Futility ’ has a double meaning : at first , the futility of the attempts to rouse the soldier and in the latter half , the futility of all the complexity of the earth and the effort put into achieving this when it is just destroyed .
14 Chris refuses to do something I 'm afraid when somebody 's already done three quarters of the work , you ca n't put somebody on to do the last quarter .
15 Indeed , the research evidence is so strong that it is now reflected in the high incidence of work teams , ‘ away days ’ for functional groups and courses in team-building .
16 But the prohibition in the Act is so complete that it is commonly ignored .
17 Indeed , the pervasive appeal of the term ‘ bottom line ’ ( profit after all deductions ) is such that it is often used as the ultimate test of success in any aspect of society ; in sport , how well the game is played is irrelevant , what matters is the final score — the bottom line is winning or losing .
18 He 's a very aggressive batsman , but he finds the time to be a great encourager of his partners , and Phil Bainbridge is convinced that he 's never run faster than when they were in together against Lancashire . ’
19 It is almost passive advertising and promotion , but I am convinced that it is carefully crafted in many instances by the advertising companies on behalf of the cigarette companies .
20 ‘ No book can be dangerous if it is well written ’ . ’
21 This is a rather unsatisfactory situation , but fortunately the treatment for Candida infestation ( described below ) is fairly innocuous , so it does not matter too much if it is sometimes given unnecessarily .
22 Although some NMR studies have shown that it is possible to bind two actinomycin molecules to the tetranucleotide GCGC [ 29 ] , binding of the second molecule is highly anticooperative and it is generally believed that the exclusion site size for actinomycin , under normal conditions , is at least 4 base pairs [ 1 ] .
23 So if you multiply it by six and it 's still raised to the power .
24 Notice that the parameter count is 10 and it is consequently specified in the " alternative " way .
25 Curriculum reform , whether it is centrally determined or based on local or in-school planning , is generally held to be impossible unless it is firmly based on a plan for public examinations .
26 As much as he is thoroughly yankified , known to all the world as Jimmy Lin , with his high-rise apartment on the Upper West Side and scarcely a trace of an accent , he none the less still feels a strong connection to his native island .
27 Of all Edward 's legislation , three pieces particularly affected the church : the statutes De Viris Religiosis , or Mortmain as it is commonly called , Circumspecte Agatis , and Westminster II , chapter 41 .
28 well what in actual fact happened , it 's not easy to get Terry Wogan at a moments notice to come and sit down , what in actual fact happens is that we draw up exactly what it is , that , that he would be saying and what the answer will be , he sees that and it 's totally approved , understandably he 's not gon na put his name to anything that he does n't believe is , is correct and that is how it 's done and
29 And he 's he 's turned over this and just gon na slap one on me and I 've turned my head and gone like that and he 's fucking caught me right on the fucking lips !
30 His shoulders are broad and he is strongly built .
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