Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pron] [vb mod] [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 So once you 've cleansed , and once you 've toned you then make sure that the face is either tissued dry or you can actually pad to your face , after the toner , with a towel .
2 I thought you were an experienced professional or I 'd never have let you go in the first place !
3 You must let me do that or I ca n't think of rejoining you . ’
4 Either that or I ca n't read your writing properly .
5 So you 've put your marks every two squares , but you do n't need to write all the numbers in you could just write say erm two , four , six , eight or you could just write five , ten , fifteen , twenty , twenty five .
6 Another thing-if I ca n't keep my works here , where am I gon na jack up ? ’
7 either that it 's funny or he ca n't read the fucking question
8 I said ooh you 'll either find it really funny or you would n't find it funny at all but erm
9 However , the FNT announced on July 30 that it would not participate in this national dialogue because the government was reneging on the July 12 agreement by continuing to dismiss workers , especially in the textile sector .
10 Despite an earlier commitment to abide by the result , Savimbi indicated on Sept. 30 that he would not accept defeat as the outcome of the elections .
11 Within a radius of ten miles of West Challow there are at least half a dozen houses that look so similar to this that they must surely have been built by the same hand .
12 ‘ When sport is trying to come to terms with economic reality , I can think of one area in the business which will say as a result of this that they can not associate themselves with it — sponsorship .
13 ‘ When sport is trying to come to terms with economic reality , I can think of one area in the business which will say as a result of this that they can not associate themselves with it — sponsorship .
14 Some of those primitive men are so good at this that they can exactly imitate the different animals , and even other human beings .
15 They all require us to make sense of the realist thought that it is always possible that , unknown to us , the world differs radically from the way it appears to us , and argue from this that we can not know that the world really is the way it appears to us .
16 As for breast feeding , I feel so strongly about this that I can hardly express myself !
17 She was so relieved to hear this that she could not make any further self-sacrifice .
18 Lydia was so annoyed at this that she could n't think where to begin but promised herself that Finn should suffer for his insolence .
19 There is the er the other way of looking at this that you can either change the er sort of C O balance or you can give her some clerical time , because if she can identify clerical work I mean like Diane
20 ‘ I think it is very peculiar that someone can just give evidence , like Sir Hal Millar , and not be cross-examined on it at all . ’
21 Most recent historical work on the rural economy has involved studies in depth of particular regions or even individual manors , and despite the patchiness of the surviving evidence it is clear that one can not draw hard and fast lines of distinction between regions of arable farming and those of stock-rearing .
22 It is clear that one can not give a general rule .
23 It is clear that one can not own confidential information in the sense that one can own a car .
24 Some people had expressed the view that this trip came too close to the Central Wales Line excursion and it seemed clear that we would not get enough people to justify the expense of a coach .
25 No ! he would shout , and make it clear that we would not discuss it … he used an expletive that I have not used , indicating that he did not want me to raise that subject with him . ’
26 ‘ We would like to make it clear that we will not talk to pro-British or British newspapers and we want reporters to stay away from our family home . ’
27 In response to the hon. Gentleman 's second question , my hon. Friend the Minister of State , Northern Ireland Office , made it perfectly clear that we will not make any comment whatever on that case while it is proceeding .
28 This clause makes clear that we will not pay for the cost of replacing any undamaged item or parts of items forming part of a set or suite when damage occurs within a clearly identifiable area or to a specific part .
29 We and our EC partners have repeatedly made it clear that we will not recognise changes in Yugoslavia 's internal borders unless they are brought about by peaceful negotiation .
30 Given that Britain ( like many other countries ) is now recognisably a multi-faith society , it should be clear that we can not conduct this enquiry from within the terms of Christianity alone .
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