Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pron] [verb] i [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We must be true with one another or I fear I shall go quite … ’
2 Mike in the audience and he 'll probably give me a rollicking afterwards , cos I have n't prepared anything about this and I suspect I wo n't be able to speak till the red light .
3 and it was quite tasty and I thought I 'd stick it in there
4 ‘ Sorry about having to rush off like this but I promise I 'll be free tomorrow . ’
5 She continued : ‘ I am 70 years old but I felt I must make this sacrifice for them , even though the constraints on me in the future are very great . ’
6 I am doing this because I think I ought to and am in the position to do so . ’
7 I find I am not as pleased by this as I thought I might be .
8 Although the piece is set in the ‘ Roaring ‘ 20's ’ , Cy Coleman 's music rarely goes into period style , but instead exploits a cod-operatic vein , going from Puccini to Piaf , with winks and nods in all directions , and superbly served by Madeline Kahn , who has the voice of a sarcastic diva and a vocal presence so strong that I felt I could see her .
9 When I was released , I was so relieved that I swore I would lead a normal life — no more endless walks .
10 I hate doing it so much that I think I will find just one more excuse to put off the preaching .
11 It was difficult to make sure I had taken the right things but not too much and I found I could have done with less .
12 I need my dream , I 've got to have it — like I had to have that fairy-and-goblin curtain material when I was about six and I thought I 'd die when Mum said No , we must have the blue flowery material because it would outlast my six-year-old fairy-and-goblin phase .
13 I was even more frightened the next morning , when I passed some large blood clots instead of urine , I became very agitated because I thought I must be dying ’ .
14 Er in so much as I mean I must admit with these increases , I appreciate your need to get the extra profits and I 'm looking at the ones where I think we can push them to get a bit more .
15 ‘ As much as you thought I could cope with .
16 But she was obviously very upset and I felt I could n't leave her .
17 days and er but And so the father saw that he was safely there and the other Then when he came back he went into the house and said to Duncan er Was you speaking to the old John old John MacGregor and f He said I was that and he said I 'll let you see what my man got , and this was the little bag of gold .
18 He knew as he could come to me er he used to bring me lock keys of all sorts and er he could get the castings or the patterns or what it is like that and he knows I could fashion them to fit the lock and all that sort of thin and we were very
19 and words are put clear and strong and I think I 'd use the word forceful
20 My son was so feeble that I thought I would lose him at birth .
21 Yeah the main difficulty is in is in the time period because it 's it 's quite likely that I mean I 'd we 'd been we 'd been hoping that the target candidate could put in a reasonable amount of personal commitment to the campaign .
22 Bill : I do n't know if anybody feels they have , but this is a thing which I felt was central to the gay movement of the seventies and I think I would go so far as to say that I assume that most of my close friends feel , like Mark , that it 's fine to have special relationships but it is n't fine to have ones where you are n't allowed to have anything else and also that there 's nothing more deadly to a relationship when you are trying desperately not to have it off with anybody else because you feel guilty about it .
23 In two days ' time we reached Pakoku where many of the Anglo-Burmans begged me to disembark and try to walk out of Burma with them , but Rachel was still very sick and I said I would go on to Mandalay and hope to find a doctor there .
24 I do n't know whether you 'll think I 'm boasting but that is n't the case , but I never ever regretted it and it a great deal of respect for me , you know and I could see that and did appreciate it and I know the people appreciated it just the same and erm it 's gone on from then till now but about , I retired in seventy-three , I was sixty-five and I said I 'd only do what anybody wanted for me , cos they had me in for the tax and I never ever heard twenty-one I think it was or thirty-one in come and I 'd go before I could satisfy them at Walsall but er I 'd got , not got enough money to be taxed in the bank , which was true .
25 I thought no way have I got in , it was too quick but she said I could start the following Monday .
26 Well really , looks like I 've only done two each but I think I 'll freeze I 'll only cut two up lovely !
27 And I 'm so confident that I believe I can beat anyone — starting with Bowe .
28 I mean if they insist they want all that I mean I 'll if they insist they want the interest as well then I 'm in er a bit of a spot
29 ‘ I am a little drowsy , that is all , a little tired with the journey , though I feel better than I thought I would .
30 Joan and Dennis will tell me all about it I 'm sure and I expect I will get a Christmas card from Kylie and her mother and father , ’ she added .
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