Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adj] [noun sg] give [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Whilst most parents ' groups continued to focus on mutual support , these examples of service provision represent a considerable net addition to the facilities available in the County ; they also reflect the powerful moral and practical support given to the development of parents ' groups by the CMHTs .
2 The political and military support given by Egypt to the United States-led coalition in the Gulf war was regarded as an important factor in the Paris Club debt relief , which supplemented write-offs of Egyptian debt by the United States and the Gulf Co-operation Council countries in October 1990 [ see p. 37795 ] .
3 Despite the relatively large amount of specific and varied information given In the article on Ali Tusi , however , it is impossible on present evidence to date precisely his departure for Persia .
4 Specific and general advice given to patients , in the context of the presenting complaint , is often more readily accepted by them .
5 Hayward was gregarious , a great attender of dinners and parties , but he could also be a caustic and gossipy creature given to telling salacious stories .
6 The speed of the upswing was largely the result of the scale of monetary and fiscal stimulus given to the system as a whole .
7 They were feverishly engaged in anti-Francoist conspiring , partly because many monarchists were opposed to Franco 's gestures of support for Hitler and Mussolini , and partly because they resented the national and international prominence given to Serrano and the Falangists Serrano had chosen as his closest personal and professional associates .
8 Weaknesses relating to board control included : an over-dominant and over-ambitious chief executive or executive team ; inadequate or biased information given to the board , infrequent board meetings or inadequate recording of board decisions ; imbalanced boards in terms of skills ; strategies based on short-term share price rather than solidity of real earnings ; and inadequate systems of financial control .
9 Those that have caused concern include the balance of the distribution of the surplus between employer and members , unexplained anomalies in allocation between different member categories , lack of independent advice to trustees or consultation with members , inaccurate or misleading information given to members , and the apparent failure of trustees to consider all options available to use the surplus .
10 Although librarians might not make the mistake of viewing selection as censorship , amongst the general public * might be difficult to make the distinction given the sensational and mischievous coverage given to some alleged library censorship in the media .
11 This Article could aid considerably the plight of upland broadleaved woods discussed in Chapter 9 but much evidence given to the House of Lords Select Committee on this item gave the proposal a very mixed reception .
12 Financial or other support given to sufferers from addictive disease by well-meaning family or friends will therefore simply tend to enable more drug or alcohol consumption .
13 In 1203–4 , 1205 and 1242 these concessions were rewarded by the financial and military support given to the Plantagenets by Bordeaux and other towns against both Castilian and French attacks on the duchy .
14 UITF9 requires adjustments to be made where the distortions caused by the hyper-inflation are such as to affect the true and fair view given by those accounts .
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