Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [verb] [adv] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A spokeswoman for Mersey Docks and Harbour Company said : ’ They are now quite old and have not been in regular use in recent years so it was decided to dismantle them to improve the appearance of the area .
2 Now are aware that are losing the agency stuff therefore services should improve generally but this is mostly and the business travel , you know duty travel , cruise positioning that sort of thing , to the extent that erm and two of the ops people paid a visit to last week for a liaison meeting and one thing that I thought was absolutely remarkable that came out was in respect of complaining that they could never get through to anybody in erm in , they could n't get a reply from the extensions and they could n't send messages or anything .
3 Equally , we must have realistic expectations of TECs and realise that those that have not been in existence for very long — as is the case with our own TEC , which has been going only since April — will take time to work themselves up to their most effective point .
4 CONTACT GROUPS These are usually for people who have a particular social problem in common or have just been through a similar trauma , like divorce or bereavement .
5 He was always unreliable and has never been in touch .
6 He was always unreliable and has never been in touch .
7 What she has achieved is remarkable given she is still very young and has only been in this business a couple of years .
8 Psychiatry was new and had only been in practice since 1879 ; neuroses and psychoses were thought to be untreatable .
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