Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [noun] [pron] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Is it Brown or Heseltine who has written the following on competition policy ( clue : its was n't Brown ) : ‘ There is a need for a new sophistication in Britain 's approach to the ownership of her industrial assets if they are not to be acquired in growing numbers by our rivals as pieces of the game of restructuring European industry . ’
2 This is because of the theological stance of some that people who have taken their own lives can not go to heaven , but instead go to hell eternally because the sin is viewed as such a serious one .
3 Other changes include moving the scriptwriters to Spain and banning the odd words of Spanish , French and German which had crept in .
4 Penury , moral as well as physical , is signified in the Barton household when money is wanting to purchase the soap and brushes , black-lead and pipe-clay which had given the houseplace its cheerful look in more prosperous days .
5 During the fever brought on by wounds , forced marches , wet and cold he had dreamed many odd and discomforting things , but never anything like this .
6 Kinloss was a pleasant environment and the locals were extremely kind to the alien invasion , but one felt so very much out of the hurly burly of wartime England , this was made particularly clear when pupils I had trained returned for their rest period , and one did get the message that my operational background was no longer valid or right to pass on to the crews coming forward for conversion to twin-engined aircraft .
7 It was noticeable that boards who had got furthest with training were those with a clearly articulated plan related to an explicit agreement on their overall purpose .
8 It was n't like any other sickening or illness she had known .
9 They were just embarrassed by the fact that the Kurds ' predicament was being televised and people who had backed the war under the impression that it was a struggle for human rights and freedom were beginning to ask troublesome questions .
10 Watchful conservationists will make sure that baiters who 've decimated the local badger population wo n't get their hands on these as well .
11 All that Sunday he had brooded on the episode in the cinema .
12 The Reichmanns , for their part , seemed astounded that bankers who had brought them so far should desert them in their hour of need .
13 Even when they had been little more than babies he had started to corrupt them .
14 We also have concerns about how it could erm fit in to er the countryside erm of the area er with particular reference to erm paragraph thirty three of P P G three which states that erm the net effect of any new settlement will be to enhance the environmental cause only modest environmental impact , the area in Hambledon , as Mr Wincup outlined yesterday erm is occupied essentially by the vale of York , it 's an essentially flat and rolling landscape , er the intensification of agriculture 's produced a very open landscape erm in that area erm there are few erm landscape elements to reduce into visibility , erm there are no significant areas of derelict land which could be , which would be reclaimed or enhanced erm by a new settlement , erm and the Council believes that it would be very difficult to assimilate a new settlement into this landscape , and it would be er visible over extensive areas , to touch on erm the point raised by erm the panel about self sufficiency and self containment erm I think it 's recognized in the explanatory memorandum , erm to policy H two that a new settlement will need to maintain social and economic links with a city , erm perhaps from some , this statement is explicit that erm York will continue to exert considerable influence in terms of employment , social , and community links , erm and it 's unlikely that facilities which have provided a new settlement will divert much , if an , if er any , erm of this er demand for travel .
15 In addition to nomadic Tungus clans and the semi-nomadic Nanai , Ulcha , Udeghe , Nivkh and other small ethnic communities , this brought under the Russian flag considerable numbers of Han Chinese and Koreans who had migrated into these regions as seasonal labourers and agricultural settlers .
16 A large number of militiamen , including fighters from the rival Shia groups Amal and Hezbollah who had signed a peace agreement prior to the withdrawal , moved south , which alarmed Israel and prompted a spate of Israeli military incursions into southern Lebanon in late 1990 .
17 Jess thought about the one and sixpence she 'd had already without permission .
18 there 's one for you same as Nicky I 've got , here are , there 's another one , different one to that , there 's Nicola 's , leave 'em there I have n't got a Diana , the Queen Mother and the Queen left talking about my girl , my girl
19 It gets a little more difficult when eight-year-olds who 've seen me handling Dawn wander up and say they 're going to get a barn owl and train it .
20 ( 2 ) Students with a theological degree without Greek or , in exceptional cases , students with a good degree in a subject other than theology who have read widely and deeply in theology , who wish to learn New Testament Greek .
21 They also tend to be shy — more than twice as shy as men who have had more than 10 sexual partners .
22 Thus the defendant would not be liable if chocolates he had made and supplied were poisoned by saboteurs at the retailer 's premises .
23 Willie has big chances in the other televised races — on in-from After The Last and Jahafil who has won a big race in Ireland since losing to Spinning at Goodwood .
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