Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] that [pron] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Take away one twelfth okay just write that down that you 've got to take away the one twelfth .
2 How could we use this what are the benefits of doing this or the disadvantages of doing this so that you 've got people within the group who could as a plant and know what to do with those ideas he comes up with them or she comes up with them do n't know what to do with them just comes up it 's up to the rest of the group and monitor evaluate you know the person that 's always putting things that never work .
3 On the other hand , something like walking past a building site in the summer in shorts is much easier now that I 've lost weight .
4 She thought that he looked nicer than ever in his evening dress , and sounded nicer now that he had dropped his brusque , cold manner with her again .
5 In fact it has been so hot and humid today that I have had to get an electric fan and put it on in my room .
6 It was fortunate indeed that we had put him in a cell with another person .
7 I was slumped against him , almost fainting , conscious only that he had led me behind a red-brick loggia , obviously so that we would be out of sight of the people in the main concourse while he dispatched me .
8 One librarian felt so hard up that she had begun looking for bargains at car boot sales — ‘ Adrian Mole in mint condition for 20p ’ — a practice which raises many questions about funding our schools .
9 She nodded shakily , feeling cold now that she had lost the warmth of his body .
10 He was staring at the lake , regretful perhaps that he 'd said too much not to say more .
11 I began to feel better now that everyone had forgotten the missing pie .
12 I feel so much better now that I 've written to you , Joan .
13 ‘ Of course you do , ’ Alyssia replied , feeling slightly better now that she had succeeded in explaining away some of the astrologer 's words .
14 I got out , feeling alone and rootless now that he had let go of my hand .
15 One of the girls , the plump one with the freckles and the missing front tooth , looked very plain and dowdy now that she had lost all her pretty blonde curls .
16 It was clear long afterwards that I had suffered a serious mental shock .
17 Are there aspects of training that you find to have been missing or superficial now that you have had the chance of putting your technical skill to the test ?
18 I felt safer now that they 'd arrived and I was curious to see what she meant by ‘ laying out ’ .
19 They are in danger of becoming complacent now that we have reached welcome lower levels of inflation , and are lulling themselves into believing that the problem has been ’ licked ’ .
20 It is even worse now that they have got to pay V A T on those bills as well .
21 She was thankful too that she 'd struggled to exist on her grant , and what she earned in vacations , without making too many extra demands on Hugh Russell .
22 But then why would Mao in nineteen forty five say that how that they 'd made a major concession to land to the tiller but that this is a correct one and they 're going to , that land reform has to be taken in stages and they 're going to first of all reduce rent and , I mean er
23 However this radicalization in land policy had allowed them to defeat the K M T and essentially led them to get into power so one has elements of pragmatism in their ideology and that how that you 've got to realize that the Communist Party was in a very precarious situation throughout these years , that how that although they did have a kind of er policy in th there ultimate aim of socialism , and although it seare appeared s quite strange that they were almost promoting capitalism , that how that their aim during this period was to eliminate feudalism which was the s and then to establish capitalism in order that socialism could take place .
24 The Communist Party certainly thought , I mean the reason wh one of their justifications for preserving the rich peasant economy was that how that it 's thought the middle peasants would want to try to rise up to br
25 Breathing was even more difficult now that I had stopped running , and I was racked by bouts of coughing .
26 His own heart would never be quite the same now that he 'd seen her .
27 I am optimistic now that we 've got a stable base for the next year , and I 'm always optimistic for the year after !
28 Having firmly rejected this device for the other adjective constructions discussed so far ( not excluding the postnominal attributive ) , we consider that it is only in Sections 4.5 onwards that we have encountered a construction where the adjective can reasonably be treated in this way .
29 " Apart from being stably slimmer in that I have managed to maintain the weight loss this time , I feel a great deal better in myself .
30 6.8 The observations above on the behaviour of these adjectives may appear to suggest a surprising degree of linguistic sophistication on the part of ordinary language users ; it may , though , seem less surprising now that we have recognized in the earlier part of this chapter the sense-qualifiers , since these distinctively qualify the property of a noun without constituting a qualification of the corresponding entity .
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