Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [pers pn] [vb mod] [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 However , latest th er Microfit not only gives you the test statistic but gives you erm the significance level , probability value er which erm that test statistic is significantly different from zero right so if we are looking at that serial correlation test statistic of two point zero eight right we would accept the null hypothesis of er no serial correlation , right , or would n't be able to reject it strictly .
2 Yeah , that 's right well we 've got ta put them round anyway but once I 've got that on I can take the st steps in then no , I shall leave those there I 'll just go and have a look at the other frame .
3 At eight o'clock I could see the faces of the audience well enough , but by and by the room became quite dark , and I seemed to be addressing an audience of silent and attentive ghosts .
4 I 'm waiting for Home and Away and that so I can start the tape .
5 The Iraqis ' suspicions of his links with Iran , Israel and America ( he was on the CIA 's payroll ) were reinforced when , that year , he said : ‘ If support were strong enough we could control the Kirkuk oilfield and give it to an American company to operate ’ .
6 What cut in half so you can make a sandwich ?
7 Yes she wanted to ride this morn I 'm taking the buggy like this so I can carry the fruit and vegetables back from the market .
8 My mention on the planner that the strips oops those strips , all these prices are identified here and when you take this away you can have a look at it .
9 You 've all of you , there 's no denying it , you 've all too often taken advantage of Eleanor , and so it 's only right and proper now you should respect the fact she has a life of her own . ’
10 When the nuclei of light elements join together or ‘ fuse ’ , energy is released ; what is more , the amount is more than the energy needed to push these nuclei into one another overcoming the electrical repulsion , so if we could accomplish this efficiently we would have a plentiful and dean supply of energy .
11 You might be able to obtain an occasional permission , but if you are going to do this frequently you will require an occasional licence ( if you do , the licensee would presumably provide the sherry ) .
12 It 's funny how you can spend every minute of every day with someone , and then never see her for weeks on end , just because you 'd stopped even thinking about her .
13 Oh right , I 'll and then she 's moaning at him cos she wants to go and post it and you were mucking about with your C D thing or something and you were saying wait for me I 'll do this then I 'll miss the post .
14 Right well we 'll just do this then you can have a go on the computer .
15 But if you have a machine based on an 8088/86 then you can fit an 8087 , a 286 has the 287 and the 386 has the 387DX and 387SX .
16 while it 's light then I can lock the garage up
17 ‘ The day she is free then I will leave the Zoo and never return , whatever hardship it may involve .
18 It is far from clear how we can compare a situation of living with one of absence of sensation and life itself .
19 However , it is not yet clear how he will finance the payment , which is believed to be in cash .
20 He might not be quite the regal material the Tongan people were looking for , and as his wheezing old father — born in 1918 , still fit , but neither infallible nor immortal — tottered around the herbaceous borders , I fancied , or perhaps dreaded , that soon we might see the kingdom fall and a republic rise in its place , and the monarchy he represented fall victim to the spirit of the age , as ancient and outworn as Captain Cook 's old tortoise .
21 Sometimes I seem to be floating above it all , and sometimes I am so much inside I can smell the boy . ’
22 Every weekday morning just before 10 o'clock I would visit the Chief of Police , John Fyvie , a tall dour and somewhat lugubrious ex-CPR policeman who had first served as a ‘ bobbie ’ in his home town of Aberdeen , Scotland .
23 By around 1500 BC we can construct a general picture of how the landscape may have been used , based on the work of pollen and environmental analysts , soil scientists , archaeologists , and ‘ prehistoric geographers ’ .
24 She made a joke of it , saying she had given Heather all the most exclusive matchbooks in her collection , that it was ironic how she 'd become a slave to her sister 's hobby . ’
25 Turn to pages 6 , 7 and 10 where you will find the very latest news on these exciting developments .
26 She should she should get sixty three so she 'll get a seventy three today , were it today you got it or Saturday ?
27 No , I 've got to revise for my erm science test tomorrow and I 've got loads of stuff to do , I 've got to keep going for the weekend , actually I have n't got that much to do , I 've got drama that I can do if you just would be so kind turn over to number three so I can have a look at some adverts I 've got a , will there be any adverts after
28 When , by George , he 'd got it , he was so pleased with himself that if you were n't quick enough you 'd get a turn on the forehand every time you stopped , which could be disconcerting for following drivers in narrow country lanes .
29 To perform these correctly you should depress the tremolo arm before picking the string and then , upon picking , release it .
30 When the introduction is being played you do n't talk , now the quicker we get through these and practice these then we can have the other songs to sing , now I want please .
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