Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] [vb mod] [adv] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Although during the years I worked there I had the opportunity to meet many people , mainly the farmers who were our principal customers , I can honestly say that my job was the most boring and monotonous I could possibly have had .
2 Sorry I should also have asked er from from the card .
3 If I had kept my wits and remained coherent I would probably have realised the manager 's job was third prize .
4 Had Edward told me this I would not have believed .
5 Before this I would probably have agreed with British Rail that it would cause too much trouble .
6 As I had no access to the Swansea accounts during that time , it was clear I could n't have embezzled anything from the company .
7 You 're unemployed I would n't have thought you could 've stood a hundred and fifty , two hundred pounds withdrawal .
8 If our dieter had done this she would still have achieved what she set out to achieve within her dieting year .
9 On top of this you 'll rarely have to queue for a route ( even on The Napes ) .
10 She was cruelly obsessed with class and if her children had not come from a background that she knew to be reliable she would certainly have ignored them as she ignored the au-pair girls .
11 And of course there were still a few who would never have dreamt of asking themselves whether they could afford anything , with the attitude to money of an Algernon Moncrieff .
12 Take a good look at the Writers ' and Artists ' Yearbook , which lists the publishers of all the books on the library shelves , plus some you may not have come across yet .
13 Unfortunately , Emily Bronte never went to Ireland ( nor did her grandfather travel to England ) , so I am afraid she would not have heard any story ‘ at the fireside on the farm at Drumballyroney in Co .
14 I 'm afraid you 'll just have to take our word for it .
15 So I 'm afraid you 'll just have to contain your Aries impatience a little longer — unless , of course , you intend to call the porter and have me put out … ’
16 Here are a few you may not have encountered .
17 If only conventions were not so rigid she could easily have had him for a lodger .
18 We are moving to Surrey on the 24th October , so by the time you read this we will actually have moved !
19 putting up with that and me not going out then I 'm afraid we 'll just have to put up with it !
20 But then soldiers are supposed to put their country above their personal interests and but for this they would not have to obey their commander .
21 Professor Mathias correctly sees the high demand of the war years for cereals as keeping agricultural wages up with prices , but they started from such a low level that in years of scarcity like 1795 and 1801 they could hardly have sustained life .
22 Had things been different they could even have gone together .
23 I 'm afraid it could n't have come at a worse time .
24 She said : ‘ If he had been any shorter he would not have survived . ’
25 Not six I would n't have thought , or ten you know I du n no but umm
26 And to be honest I would n't have argued if anyone had said whole day .
27 Historically Rainer is very valuable because there are several extremely important legal decisions of Innocent III which would not have survived but for Rainer 's collection .
28 They are convinced she would not have gone with anyone willingly .
29 Which was good for me ; if I had directed it in 1979 it would n't have had a chance . ’
30 In other words , if they had n't got him with the six he 'd never have gone bloody broke !
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