Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] [adv] [verb] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If the bottom is too weedy for this I continually re-bait and cast .
2 When Granny heard this she just sniffed and said , ‘ Well Morag , that means we 'll just have to do all the cleaning ourselves , eh . ’
3 In support of this we also found that PGE 2 synthesis was increased in patients with dyspepsia compared with patients without symptoms although this did not reach statistical significance .
4 What is required is that the language which is pedagogically presented should be a projection of that which actually occurs as recorded by the computer analysis of text .
5 Francis and Richard tend to play slightly ahead of the beat , and although it 's more than likely psychological I always felt that playing fingerstyle meant a sort of delay between playing something and hearing it , which seemed to mess up the impact of the songs .
6 We have n't even talked about that we just talk and talk about anything and everything .
7 From 12 October 1810 to St Patrick 's Day 1811 he either hunted or exercised his hounds every day , Sundays included .
8 There is , finally , one other possible relationship that mobile plates can enjoy : those which neither collide nor diverge may simply slip past each other , rotating in relation to one another around some imagined pole .
9 Second , we have divided voters into those who regularly viewed or listened to any highbrow news programmes such as BBC-TV 's Newsnight , ITV 's Channel 4 News , or the BBC 's Radio 4 news , and those who did not .
10 Schoolteachers , power workers , post office engineers , staff at the Royal Mint and sections of the newspaper industry were among those who either struck or worked to rule in a bid to break the pay policy .
11 Too often , we are limited in thinking of ministry as those who either do or do not work where are thought of .
12 Fowler divided the English-speaking world into ( 1 ) those who neither know nor care what a split infinitive is ; ( 2 ) those who do not know , but care very much ; ( 3 ) those who know and condemn ; ( 4 ) those who know and approve ; and ( 5 ) those who know and distinguish .
13 The suitability of candidates is assessed , in part , by those who already sit as judges how make their assessments on the basis of the candidates ' ability as an advocate and since those advocates come , in the County Court in the main and in the Crown and High Court exclusively , from the ranks of the barristers it is they who are selected .
14 The risks associated with tobacco and alcohol multiply when exposures occur simultaneously : for those who both smoke and drink heavily , their habits are responsible for nine out of ten cases of laryngeal cancer in this category [ 3 ] .
15 We do not need to reach firm answers to these questions to see that the realities of British politics — both the process of electing a parliament and the relation of that elected body to those who actually form and control the machinery of state — certainly do not neatly correspond to or embody the original notion of government by the people or the people 's representatives .
16 For this reason , our holiday prices are aimed to entice those who usually fly or use their own car to travel on superbly comfortable coaches as the means of reaching resorts and regions where tourism has not exceeded sustainable levels .
17 Greenfield 's testing , for instance , of those who variously succeed and fail by these ideal standards has the quality of a social ritual to establish the true order .
18 As the disembarked men were being lined up to march , a detail of mercenaries went from heap to heap , spiking those who still lived and removing what valuables they could discover .
19 People offered to raise whatever sum of money needed to keep the Community Radio Station on the air ; even those who never cared or listened much , now felt that 1OAB must be preserved !
20 Some people , on the other hand , are suddenly rendered immobile , for example some of the ‘ emergency ’ admissions to hospital and those who suddenly collapse or become ill and are nursed at home .
21 First they systematically attacked and occupied the chief strongholds held by Viscount Aimar and his vassals : Excideuil , St Yrieix and Pierre-Buffière .
22 ‘ It was this final one all draw that knocked us out .
23 Finer I never saw or tasted from Barbados or better cured .
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