Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] [verb] [pron] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The land borders on the edge of the green belt , and the proposed development of houses , no matter how luxurious you intend them to be , will do nothing to enhance the area .
2 Otherwise , the first thing to do is to decide whether you need a drawing package or a painting package and how elaborate you want it to be .
3 But they were n't , even if the stocky little one wanted them to be .
4 I would like to say on behalf of us all how glad we are to welcome the Eberhardts , and how privileged we feel ourselves to be offered this recital .
5 Now if Mr is saying that outside the context of the structure plan entirely which is all I took him to be saying , that the members of North Yorkshire County Council are still determined to build a road to the north of of erm
6 Essentially those who felt themselves to be excluded from power decided to support a perfectly plausible claimant to the throne who had been waiting on the sidelines for such a following to materialize .
7 It has been taken up both by those who see in it an attack upon civilization as an unnatural cage in which man is incarcerated and by those who take it to be a defence of civilization as man 's natural home .
8 On average , the people who are most likely to opt for health insurance are those who know themselves to be relatively unhealthy .
9 There were those who considered it to be a purely defensive step , and this gave rise to rumour .
10 It has been said in defence of such publications that those who allow themselves to be depicted indecently are thereby ‘ waiving their own privacy rather than impeding or intruding upon that of others ’ .
11 The Press is also blamed for undue influence on selection ( though surely this is the fault of those who allow themselves to be influenced ? ) .
12 It is the learning process itself which is capable of bringing power to those who feel themselves to be powerless , and galvanising them for action on their own terms .
13 But , like the work of one of its ancestors , Rousseau , it strikes a chord which reverberates widely among those who feel themselves to be increasingly powerless , and resent it .
14 No doubt there will be an extensive scrutiny from those who expect everything to be perfect but it passes pretty well from my point of view .
15 They may indeed be believed by those who operate them to be essentially progressive in character .
16 It was such an idea of modularity that Minsky intended in the quoted passage above , and he has suggested at various times that an organism would be more efficient , in terms of its ability to survive , if it had , as a separate module , a model of itself , which might of course be totally false as to the facts of the self 's reality : alcoholics who believe themselves to be merely social drinkers probably survive less well than those who believe themselves to be alcoholics .
17 But then , he reminded himself , so do those who believe themselves to be Napoleon , or Alexander , or God .
18 Upwards depends on how complicated you want it to be .
19 She stressed the word to show how important she felt it to be , and went on , ‘ Fact two is that , whether you like it or not , my loyalty lies with Peter — ’
20 I thought nothing of it ; it was all a part of the selection process and the more extreme it proved itself to be , the happier I felt , for I was enjoying the feeling of succeeding and managing while others failed .
21 I think he 's spoken to you about me , and I 'm sorry he considers me to be unreliable : happy-go-lucky was how he described me , I imagine .
22 The relationship that the building surveyor is able to develop directly with the client is unusual in its closeness , and has a special significance in that it enables him to be identified as the expert in the area of work under inquiry .
23 The thinner I became , the more difficult I found it to be comfortable , even when lying in bed .
24 At the back there is a horizontal belt sleeve which allows it to be attached to a belt up to 70mm wide and there is also a vertical sleeve 50mm wide which permits it to be worn on its side or slid down over a vertical post for use as a permanent fixture at a centre or clubhouse .
25 He added : ‘ An appeal is made to all members of the public to pass any information , no matter how insignificant they feel it to be , to the police , either at Aberdeen or their local police station . ’
26 PAMELA : Bad you take me to be , madam , I am not used to such language or reflections as this gentleman bestows upon me .
27 The more that scientists observe the oceans the more intricate they find them to be ; yet compared with the land they are straightforward .
28 He heard vespers sung in the deep dusk from his father 's church , and his heart stilled and quietened in him with wonder , as though at last he felt himself to be drawing near to the heart of a mystery .
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