Example sentences of "[adj] [art] [noun] [verb] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Given that the decision calls for considered judgment , it must always be appropriate to consider the matter in the case of each patient before it arises .
2 Contradictorily , Mr Patten also declared himself in favour of seeing urban land recycled — it already provides nearly half the land used for new homes .
3 Manufacturers — such as Compaq Computer Corp , which rushed to discuss its Pentium plans in general terms , say they expect their first Pentium machines to list for as little as $4,500 , half the price set for early model 80486 machines in 1989 .
4 Manufacturers — such as Compaq Computer Corp , which rushed to discuss its Pentium plans in general terms , say they expect their first Pentium machines to list for as little as $4,500 , half the price set for early model 80486 machines in 1989 .
5 It 's called Dynamic Stiffness and , claim Prince , the principle is very simple ; the greater the dynamic force ( hard swing ) the stiffer the racket becomes for maximum power while the gentler the dynamic force ( soft swing ) the more relaxed the racket becomes for optional touch .
6 As early as January 1333 the commons petitioned for new restrictions on the activities of royal purveyors , and the king agreed , in an unprecedented move , to set up ‘ justices of purveyors ’ to hear complaints against them .
7 A ‘ Book of Hours ’ was the name given to such a prayerbook intended for private or family devotion , the term ‘ hours ’ indicating not an interval of sixty minutes , but less precise parts of the day that were set aside for religious and other duties .
8 Foreign Ministers of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) , which was preparing contingency plans for intervention , agreed on Dec. 17 to support any future UN resolution enforcing the existing flight ban over Bosnia , on condition that such a resolution provided for continued humanitarian efforts .
9 Such a role called for financial autonomy , an independent international civil service , and collaboration between world organizations .
10 On Dec. 21 the Assembly called for special assistance for Chad ( Resolution 45/223 ) ; the front-line states ( Resolution 45/224 ) ; Mozambique ( Resolution 45/227 ) ; Djibouti ( Resolution 45/228 ) ; Benin , the Central African Republic and Madagascar ( Resolution 45/230 ) ; Angola ( Resolution 45/233 ) ; and emergency assistance for Liberia ( Resolution 45/232 ) and Somalia ( Resolution 45/229 ) .
11 The aircraft are easily converted for casualty evacuation , and can accommodate three stretcher patients , two attendants plus all the equipment required for intensive care .
12 No man is an island ; no smallholder can possibly find the time or produce all the skills needed for complete self-sufficiency .
13 All the chub fell for quivertipped bread flake link legered on a size 8 hook to 4 lb line .
14 In another area he did actually get a market research firm 's fieldworkers to go round all the houses asking for young men and women in the age group , and while this appeared to give a reasonably accurate sample frame it was also very expensive .
15 An abridged version of the Longman Dictionary of Business English ( q.v. ) , specially written for students in commercial and vocational schools and which covers all the vocabulary needed for day-to-day office and business practice .
16 The principal aim of the Juvenile ‘ Rules ’ was to continue ‘ the supervision of the boy or girl , when placed , with a view to his or her further education , both technical and humanistic ’ and to bring to bear on the life of the adolescents ‘ all the influences making for industrial efficiency , for enlightened citizenship and self-realisation ’ .
17 Combining the body-building power of mousse , the sculpting ability of gel and the fixing strength of spray , it 's all a girl needs for fabulous hair every time !
18 Earlier in the month , Ministers of Culture from the then 34 CSCE countries met in Kracow , Poland , and adopted on June 6 a declaration calling for international co-operation to protect members ' cultural heritage .
19 Since I accept his primary submission I do not find it necessary to consider his other options , but I observe that in every case they would involve the court in a far more creative exercise in framing the law , which I doubt we would be entitled to undertake , than by holding as I would do that a corporate public authority has no right to sue for the tort of defamation and is to be left , if necessary , to such other rights as it may have , in particular the right to sue for malicious falsehood .
20 In 1890 a chance arose for united action but even here divisions remained .
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