Example sentences of "[adj] [unc] i do n't [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 And we met this gi I do n't think these two were going to Birmingham university but they were going somewhere .
2 I do n't know what to do , tt I ca n't really take that them all take that er I do n't want to kick the boat too hard
3 So naturally I had to get it with and it was heavier th I do n't know how much it weighed , I I I got it by the way , in my barn in farm in Indiana , one of the last relics of Brothers .
4 I 'm very lucky er I do n't cook .
5 One very quick point , sorry erm I do n't want to sound as if I feel I can but er I welcome your comment at the beginning the condition be be left out on what 's going on because I thought this was actually the key function of this committee and I mean I see these are being decision has been taken .
6 Yeah I do n't think they 're doing a great er I do n't think they 're making a great deal of money out of it themselves .
7 And that was a , that was a good er I did n't know nothing about that you know until they er gave me .
8 I found coming into Suffolk from Hertfordshire I had n't heard the , any East Anglian dialect before at all erm I did n't find it difficult , there were only two cases and I can remember thinking there were two people er , one of whom is still alive , er who I had great difficulty in understanding and I thought when I can follow both of them without any difficulty I shall know I really belong .
9 And erm they 're loyal to the society because it , they know really it 's partly through them supporting the Guilds that we are able erm I do n't know whether I would get the membership there if you 've got , you see we pay a subscription to , see it costs five Pound a year at the moment to be , to be a member of the Womens ' Guild , which we , we send dues as I say to these three sections you see .
10 Perhaps it 's best if I hand over now to Nick to run through the proposals there are some amendments to the one that you had as appendix one erm I do n't think any of them are too substantial .
11 but I just er , I do n't see any point in cooking three meals a day and washing dishes three or four time I do n't find it satisfying , not that this is extremely fulfilling but
12 Er that was silly er I did n't allow myself sufficient time to prepare for this opening and ob obviously to compose myself .
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