Example sentences of "[adj] [modal v] not be [vb pp] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 That must not be allowed to happen .
2 Well , a little thing like that should not be allowed to stand in the way of such a great man , so Mr Pozsgay now spends one hour a week in the gym .
3 Similarly , the principle of the Law of Jubilee was that the rich should not be allowed to accumulate all property rights .
4 Reasons for wanting to do this may not be restricted to cost , although for many this will be the most important factor .
5 More seriously , he quoted Synod 's resolution on sexuality , and argued that an organisation whose beliefs and aims contradicted this should not be allowed to use church premises .
6 Evaluation has its own jargon and this can be a major stumbling block , leading the Working Party on Training specifically to suggest that this should not be allowed to confuse the issue :
7 We felt this should not be allowed to stand in the way of the child protection process , so we tried to put the responsibility where it should properly lie — with the perpetrator . ’
8 The over zealous activities of a few PR advisers who succumb to this should not be allowed to damn the profession as a whole , he said .
9 The institute stresses , however , that this should not be used to justify widespread use of such fertilisers , a major contributor to acid deposition .
10 This should not be taken to imply that consumer spending really depends on credit .
11 However , this should not be taken to imply that this approach does not have its critics or that all researchers working within the developmental paradigm are in agreement regarding the more detailed aspects of language development .
12 This should not be taken to imply any reduction in the facilities or standards previously provided by the establishments affected .
13 This should not be taken to imply that there was in any sense an unrestrained licence for peasant sexuality ; there was no ‘ amorality ’ in a fundamental sense .
14 ( This should not be taken to mean that such psychopathological trends could not appear in individuals before the coming of cultivation or delayed-return hunter-gathering , merely that they would have been much less common and could not have taken on the collective , cultural significance which they did in the Neolithic and subsequent epochs . )
15 However , this should not be taken to suggest that the present generation are seduced by their salaries and expenses to the degree that they will abandon their principles in order to continue to have access to the institutional channels for political activity .
16 ‘ You have always insisted that groups like this should not be encouraged to take hostages .
17 They say scenes like this must not be allowed to happen here , and infiltrators must be rooted out …
18 This must not be taken to imply that Edward Crumwallis was unfit for his position .
19 The British must not be allowed to discuss bilaterally what properly lay within the province of Nato .
20 This can not be allowed to pass without redress !
21 They say that the French can not be trusted to maintain safety at a plant which , though on French soil , is surrounded by Belgium .
22 The advice given by these advisers would properly have been guided by expediency as much as by any rules of interpretation and as such can not be taken to represent a body of thought about dreaming .
23 A statutory demand under s 268 , Insolvency Act 1986 could not be made to recover tax payable as determined by the General Commissioner when the notice of that amount had not been served on the taxpayer at his usual or last known place of residence under s 115 , TMA 1970 , according to Chancery Division in Re a Debtor ( No 124/50/91 ) , Ex Parte the Debtor v IRC [ 1992 ] STI 888 .
24 These should not be intended to duplicate the deed of indemnity but to obtain information as to possible taxation problems and where things have been done in the past which could , depending on what is done in the future , give problems after completion .
25 The occupational therapist may supply portable handrails in the early stages after the stroke , so that the patient has some support on each side while he sits on the toilet , although these should not be used to lean on when standing up or sitting down .
26 Surely these can not be said to have objects or contents in the given sense .
27 This did not necessarily mean that the churches opposed alleviation of pain , but it did mean that the ministrations of the pastor were much more important than those of the physician , and those of the latter should not be permitted to interfere with the spiritual task of the former .
28 Claims of rights to unearned privileges , in any of the manifold walks of life , will always be a source of much conflict and , above all can not be allowed to form part of any religion .
29 The morning engagements Thrush Green could readily understand , for a man living alone could not be expected to polish and clean , to cook and scrub , and to wash and iron for himself ; though , as Ella pointed out , plenty of women lived alone and did all that with one hand tied behind them , and often went out to work as well into the bargain , and no one considered it remarkable .
30 Germany was not bound by an agreement between the Netherlands and Denmark , and Article 6 could not be used to achieve indirectly what had not been done directly .
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