Example sentences of "[adj] [modal v] be [adv] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The small firm needling the big multinational may be only a nuisance for the time being , but if it latches on to a new and successful technology and makes all the right first-mover investments it may be tomorrow 's market leader .
2 That may be only a symbol , but it is an important one .
3 This may be also a question which you will say the districts are in a better position to answer and maybe they should be forewarned that if you say that , they will be asked that question .
4 This may be partly a factor of reduced possible nucleation sites and partly a result of the decreased supply of calcium carbonate .
5 Teachers are not free to define the curriculum but this may be more a loss of face than substance .
6 The remaining three are significant , but this may be more a consequence of mixing the order of factors across the groups than of anything important .
7 He s not actually signed yet … so this may be all a bit premature .
8 If the software documentation is readable and understandable , this should be largely a matter of following instructions .
9 This might be just a game to you , but I 'm working , and I 'm going to be late if you hold me up ! ’
10 In some cases this might be literally a matter of life and death .
11 However , if the total effect of this and other stress effects is to exaggerate the effect of stress then this could be less a problem than an advantage in detecting stress early , although not an exact measurement .
12 ‘ An example of this would be where a number of armed terrorists have taken hostages .
13 For this reason you are not asked questions which would require only knowledge , as this would be solely a test of memory .
14 When , acting for a buyer , you come to draft the document that will vest the unregistered property in your client , this can be either a conveyance or a form of transfer adapted to the particular property and title .
15 It 's so , I mean , wake up Christmas morning and they put a tray out , the first thing they do on , the last thing at night , Christmas Eve they put a big tray out and on the tray they got it 's a called and they 're like chocolate biscuits , they 're like biscuits , right , and that gets with every member of the house , say there 's ten in that house , that that gets lined round the outside of the tray , right , and then inside of that 'll be now a circle of the wine , and then they have like whatever drink they got in the middle and the first thing that happens Christmas Eve morning is they get up and that gets poured and the tray goes round , if you sit down
16 Oh that was messy , you 're telling me was messy , I 've known cups of tea , you put a cup of tea on there the other cup of tea was there , well we never used to have saucers could n't afford them , that 'd be there a mug of tea and that 'd move like that off the table that 'd come cos the dredger was shaking so much .
17 At the rate he is going , that could be quite a way .
18 It would be highly intelligent to take in the situation instantaneously and choose to stand waiting for death ; but that would be not a reaction but a deliberate act .
19 And that would be then a matter for the county to determine how they would proceed from that point .
20 I I think if we get one of them we 'll be doing very well , and to get two would be perhaps a bit naughty .
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