Example sentences of "[adj] [be] a [noun] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Let this be a lesson to you , Jesse Frankenstein's-Daughter .
2 Scott J concluded that if this were a case in which there was any question or threat of general disclosure by the defendant of confidential information concerning the way in which the plaintiff carried on its business or concerning any details of the affairs of any of its clients there would be no answer to the claim for an injunction ; but it was not general disclosure that the defendant had in mind .
3 ‘ Mum , this is a friend of mine , Patrick Kelly .
4 However , the hover fly and poached egg association shows clearly that this is a direction in which a great deal of research needs to be done .
5 This is a direction in which the 1991 NHS and Community Care reform is leading .
6 However , this is a direction in which we would already have been moving for other reasons , and the installation of a digital telephone exchange for the provision of extra lines to our new accommodation will greatly facilitate the process .
7 This is a subject over which there has been much controversy .
8 This is a subject to which more thought should be given , and I can think of no better organisation to pursue it than your own .
9 This is a subject to which I shall return , but for the moment I prefer to confine myself to the typical picture and to show where my own circumstances coincided with it or diverged from it .
10 This is a subject on which judges need , and should have , expert assistance from a clinical psychologist and not be left to flounder through what may be an ill-informed and perfunctory form of inquisition before the child gives evidence . ’
11 This is a subject in which Britain has a lead over the rest of Europe and much of the world .
12 This is a possibility to which an admirer of the novel keeps having to revert .
13 This is a pity for his achievement in securing the crucial Committee vote deserves the members ' recognition for his astuteness .
14 We should actually be pushing saying for those Health Ser Service erm workers and also people in the public who are not doing that , not a case of , we do n't want you to and this is a case against it , although that 's strong .
15 This is a case in which Paul 's maxim might well apply. : where the words are not ambiguous there is no call to raise questions of intention .
16 As Ferrini laments , this is a case in which we must be content to practise the ars nesciendi .
17 This is a case in which we distinguish between a person 's body as it appears to that person , and as it appears to others .
18 This is a case in which one turns to computation in order to verify an impression gained in reading , and in the Appendix ( pp. 85–8 ) I have recorded the results of my count .
19 Their Lordships are not persuaded that this is a case in which the petitioner should be deprived of its right to argue that the trial judge was correct and that the Court of Appeal was wrong .
20 Adopting as a precedent the order made by this Board in Baksh v. The Queen [ 1958 ] A.C. 167 , 172 , their Lordships consider that this is a case in which the right course is to rely for that purpose on the judicial discretion and experience of the court in Jamaica .
21 We should learn to trust our intuitions , for this is a part of our human heritage .
22 This is a part of our survival instinct ; it is healthy .
23 Resale price maintenance : this is a system under which manufacturers contractually control the minimum level of prices charged by retailers .
24 Obedience in this is a test of their obedience to God in other ways too .
25 Three things that we do decide I 've already said , whether you and I feel that this is a platform for you .
26 This is a message to them not to give up hope .
27 This is a reference by Her Majesty 's Attorney-General under the provisions of section 36 of the Criminal Justice Act 1972 .
28 Perhaps this is a clue to their function .
29 This is a problem with which Bible translators constantly have to battle .
30 This is a problem from which the ordinary courts are not immune , but it is true that this type of uncertainty is absent from the rival schemes because there the courts lay down the precise meaning which a term should bear .
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