Example sentences of "[adj] [be] a [noun] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 erm Has that been a concern of unions , or has it been other sorts of organisations that have been pressing for them over the years ?
2 Not sauntering but fanatically rooted to their hallowed places at the end of the ‘ Up ’ main platform in most big stations are to be found the train-spotters , living proof of George Orwell 's observation that the English are a nation of collectors , in this case of train numbers .
3 If this were a list of localities where an industrial plant unleashed disaster on the folks next door , that would be bad enough .
4 Of those that did , the best is on the vaulted ceiling of what was a college chapel but is now a space occupied by a marble staircase , This is a Glory of Angels and was painted by the Neapolitan artist Giovan Battista Sassi who worked in the city during the early years of the eighteenth-century .
5 After the Newcastle upon Tyne hearing , Tracey — who now refuses to work for men — said : ‘ I hope this is a warning to men harassing girls at work . ’
6 This is a response from workers who are perhaps seeking a respite from a tedious job , or who wish to defy what they regard as an oppressive management .
7 Well this is a land of losers .
8 Johnson 's superiority complex goes on show : while there , he used the power of his frown and his supervening wit to silence MacAulay 's disregard for the English clergy : ‘ This is a day of novelties : I have seen old trees in Scotland , and I have heard the English clergy treated with disrespect . ’
9 This is a can of worms and really needs to be looked into carefully , ’ he said .
10 This is a requirement for water-clocks of the inflow type .
11 This is a problem for plants because they already have fewer daylight hours in which to manufacture their food , and can not grow at all if the temperature falls below 6 degrees Celsius .
12 On the subject of what he called atmosphere — ‘ … after all , this is a home for vagrants , and no-one who was not an outcast would be caught on the premises ’ .
13 In the UK the spread of infection has slowed down but the numbers ill and needing care are continuing to rise and this is a reflection of levels of infection some years ago .
14 This is a characteristic of catalysts : that they cause other reactions to happen while remaining intact themselves .
15 This is a survey of attitudes towards civil and political rights in Britain based upon over 2000 interviews with the general public and over 1000 interviews with a political and governing elite , namely , party group leaders on local government councils throughout Britain .
16 This is a pair of shoes .
17 Coroner Peter Lovegrove said ’ This is a sport with risks , dangers are accepted by those who do it . ’
18 This is a magnet to burglars and you need to take all the precautions you can to control access .
19 and this is a lake of echoes .
20 Where this is a factor in comparisons an apportionment should be added to true costs equivalent to the cost of ancillary products necessary to dose the unit quantity of the chemical involved .
21 Molloy and Carroll ( 1992 ) adopt an approach which is designed to assist comparison with Bourner and Hamed 's study , although their operational definition is somewhat different in that they include the following categories : no formal qualifications ; other non standard entrants ( this is a range of qualifications which includes professional , nursing , technical and secretarial ) ; O-levels or one A-level ; one OU credit ; Access .
22 At common law , the position is that if the article in question is a standard product like a meal in a restaurant ( Lockett v A and M Charles Ltd [ 1938 ] 4 All ER 170 ) this is a sale of goods so that liability is strict .
23 This is a code for diseases and injuries , produced by the World Health Organization and revised approximately every ten years .
24 This is a theme for children aged seven and over .
25 This is a walk of contrasts , through woodland with a steady climb and a ridge walk to Rannerdale Knotts , providing superb views .
26 However , as McClellan points out , this is a matter of priorities .
27 Fundamentally , this is a matter for doctors , although the lawyer has a role to play in ensuring that the strictest possible safeguards attend the measures taken to establish it .
28 This is a step towards reforms at home ; and such a step alone can make his ‘ detente ’ policies sincere .
29 This is a box with words or a picture which changes when the reporter moves to a new topic .
30 This is a Questionnaire to asses your risk .
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