Example sentences of "[adj] [be] [adj] [conj] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The reasons for this are manifold and often rooted in the historic past though , as discussed in section 4.4 , colonialism can not be used perpetually to excuse failure .
2 This is graceful and finely proportioned , rising to 400 feet in height .
3 This is quiet and conveniently placed pension , with beautifully furnished rooms .
4 Between the peace settlement of 1814 – 15 and the death of the old monarchical and aristocratic Europe after 1914 there was some growth in the size and a more marked one in the geographical scope of diplomatic services ; but this was slow and largely confined to the major states .
5 Despite Willie Park 's comment about a minimum of 300 members , the meeting thought a minimum of 100 was sufficient and easily secured .
6 The shacks are constructed out of any materials that are to hand , such as planks , cardboard , canvas , thatch , mud , corregated iron and often rubbish , but these are temporary and often improved upon at a later stage .
7 Melancholic : these are timid and easily frightened .
8 Fundoplication has some adverse effets , but in most cases these are mild and well compensated by lasting relief of heartburn and regurgitation .
9 As Stubbs says : ‘ Although institutionalised writing is decontextualised in these ways , it nevertheless has some firm points of contact with social situations and social purposes , even if these are indirect and heavily conventionalised ’ ( Stubbs , 1980 , p. 109 ) .
10 Treating his pupils to the compliment of rational disagreement sometimes spilled over into a verbal contest so fierce that the young person concerned was abashed or even frightened .
11 The nursing care and kindness of the staff of Ward 14 was excellent and greatly appreciated .
12 Copper and iron were most commonly used as both are tough and easily shaped .
13 Both were well-attended and efficiently staged .
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