Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] can [not/n't] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 However , although it is possible to overcome many types of barrier , there will always be some that can not be eliminated .
2 On the journey up the glen , where there are some conifer plantations , the Five Sisters ridge appears foreshortened and can not be seen in perspective , the individual summits being difficult to distinguish ; those on the south side are rather more distant and better discerned .
3 Action : The selected module is of type Foreign and can not be displayed
4 One of the Regional Council 's reasons for refusal of planning permission is that the proposed development falls outside the areas identified for office use in the Lothian Region Structure Plan 1985 and can not be justified on prime land in the Green Belt as there is no essential overriding need , given the supply of office floorspace currently available , under construction or with outstanding planning permission , which is more than sufficient to satisfy development needs within the Structure Plan period to 1996 and beyond .
5 These parts of international law , distinct from each other as they are , all overlap at one point or another and can not be considered entirely in isolation .
6 The two functions of initial and in-service education are clearly interrelated and can not be carried out in isolation from each other .
7 Efforts to improve the efficiency have included the introduction of disinfectants into the steam but this has proved extremely wasteful and the effect offers little that can not be achieved by cleaning with hot high pressure water jets and the separate spray application of a suitable disinfectant .
8 Thus , a simple linear record of his life and rule is impossible and can not be pinned down as a simplistic historical account .
9 Viral meningitis is generally more common but less serious and can not be helped by antibiotic treatment .
10 It is not our normal view of it , but it is no less real and can not be dismissed from human experience .
11 The empirical evidence suggests , however , that the supervision which institutional investors exercise over the management of a company is minimal and can not be regarded as a sufficient control over the managers of large public companies .
12 An order may be extended on more than one occasion but may not last more than three years in total and can not be extended beyond the child 's eighteenth birthday .
13 Or alternatively someone is asleep and can not be disturbed .
14 These questions are difficult , but they are not vain and can not be avoided .
15 In some cultures , a bedroom is private and can not be entered without permission , while in others it can .
16 Coach Andy Stovold has the kind of brief that can not be envied as he tries to add technique and confidence to fledgling players .
17 NHS professionals normally perceive day hospitals as a possible alternative to hospital admission for people who are acutely ill and can not be treated as outpatients or at home , as a place for recently discharged short-term in-patients to attend for a period while settling back into normal life , and as a place to treat , monitor and give social support to long-term patients who would otherwise live isolated lives .
18 80 inch steering boxes are unique and can not be replaced by another without great modifications to the 80. 86 inch to 109 inch SI to SIII will all swap but there are two types of steering wheel splines .
19 Both Walter Hilton and Dame Julian insist that God is transcendent and can not be described or grasped by the human mind , but they belong more to the Western tradition than the author of The Cloud of Unknowing .
20 Anxiety regarding proposed surgery is natural and can not be forgotten .
21 Without doubt , when the need occurs , this method of by-passing the roots and ‘ injecting ’ deficient nutrients directly into foliage is extremely valuable and can not be denied .
22 it will not run on unleaded and can not be modified To find out which category your car fits into , ring a franchised dealer or agent for your particular vehicle .
23 Its two halves are asymmetric and can not be folded to be superimposed without first turning one of them over .
24 Notable among these is the fact that the mismatch of range is even greater than in the case of the prenominal adjectives ; it is true that one can usually expand a postnominal adjective to a relative clause containing be , though we should certainly note cases like : ( 31 ) he is dreaming of the whisky which will be galore with her arms which were akimbo she stared at Victor food which is aplenty is on sale in the end tent however , there is not the slightest difficulty about producing numerous examples where the relative clause with be is fully satisfactory but can not be reduced to a grammatical postnominal adjective .
25 We feel tired and sluggish and can not be bothered to do anything .
26 Nevertheless , the allotment is good and can not be set aside under the above provisions .
27 It has some fine Renaissance ceilings on the second floor although these are under lock and key and can not be seen unless the keyholder happens to be in the museum that day .
28 This problem is more likely to arise at a time when the patient is unconscious and can not be consulted .
29 I assume here that there is a sense in which the latter is the case , though the full story is more complex and can not be explored here .
30 The law of evidence is complex and can not be dealt with in depth in a work of this scope .
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