Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] if [pron] have [be] " in BNC.

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1 I try to work out if she 's got a period due or if she 's been having trouble with her mother .
2 It was almost as clear as if he had been there .
3 Peter Naulls and he , searching for the hole into the mine , had got as suntanned as if they had been on the kind of holiday they never had , on the beaches of Spain or Italy .
4 I 'm firmly convinced that if we had been operating under the old style of management , making a consensus decision , the clinicians would have got to their clinical representative and said there 's no way we want that — we want everything twice as big and gold-plated taps because patients will die , etc. , and their rep would say , " I 'm sorry but it 's completely unacceptable to my colleagues ' .
5 Mick is convinced that if there had been more staff available the attack might never have happened .
6 Because she was tired of looking at flats that were really bedsits , and bedsits that were really cupboards , but cost as much as if they had been flats .
7 The nice people are still there to enjoy the music , although perhaps not as much as if they 'd been allowed to express themselves and some of the nasty people are beginning to appreciate the actual music .
8 They had ceased to be such holders , because , in effect , in their hands the document had ceased to be a negotiable instrument quite as much as if there had been on the acceptance of the draft by the plaintiffs an erasure of the writing of the signature to the note .
9 I think that 's what I think , but I 'm not sure that if I 'd been born here I 'd be pleased to see me walking down the lane .
10 I am sure that if I had been his secretary for a fortnight I should have wanted to poison him , not marry him … yes , I should have run round to the chemist 's for threepennyworth of poison after a very short time .
11 This seems strange to me now because I feel sure that if I had been presented with the image of the glass coffin when I was well into the depressive phase of anorexia , I should have recognised it instantly .
12 I am sure that if he had been with one of the stronger or more glamorous clubs at the time , his name would now be held in respect by a far wider clientele than those relatively few of us who were privileged to see him play his heart out for Crystal Palace .
13 Critics also argue that , because statements made under the lobby rules mean that they can not be directly attributed to Mr Ingham , his colleagues or Government Ministers , they are less credible than if they had been made on the record .
14 They were talking rationally now , as adults , just as she had asked , but underneath the façade of civilised behaviour her heart was still doing funny things , and the electricity between them was as powerful as if they had been making love .
15 I really enjoyed having a tutor and I learned more than if I 'd been at school .
16 Peach , who often sat on the chestnut leaf table , marking it no more than if he had been a fluffy cushion or a nightdress-case cat , watched gravely from the basket in which he was wise enough to sit when at home on Sundays .
17 But Lamprey had been as courteous as if she had been in her father 's drawing-room .
18 You can get wetter than if you had been in a winter shower .
19 It was worse than if you 'd been single — you 'd no friends .
20 It looked at first as if she had been drinking blood .
21 His father 's face was as red as if it had been turned inside out .
22 Many of the predators mentioned in the previous section function equally well as scavengers ( Hewson , 1981 ) , and the modifications they produce are the same as if they had been the primary predators .
23 You see , your subconscious mind can not tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined ; so , although the information it had received during those twelve days was in fact a product of Sylvia 's imagination , the effect on her subconscious was precisely the same as if it had been actual experience .
24 There are a few occasions where the expert does not have a contract with either or both of the parties , but as the relationship is a close one based on reliance , the expert 's liability is likely to be the same as if there had been a contract : see 14.11 .
25 She was trapped , as helpless as if she 'd been bound in chains .
26 It was not however , until I arrived in the country , and found myself surrounded by objects as strange as if I had been transported to another planet , that I conceived the idea of devoting a portion of my attention to the mammalian class of its extraordinary fauna . ’
27 I collapsed back into the armchair , almost as exhausted as if I 'd been climbing the Eigernordwand .
28 ‘ If the prints were undated or if they had been given younger dates most experts would probably accept them as have made by Homo , ’ said Russell Tuttle from the University of Chicago who has recently analysed casts of the footprints at the invitation of Mary Leakey .
29 More satisfied than if they had been handed a big discount on a plate .
30 He well recalls a couplet about him in The Times : ‘ He was right , dead right , as he walked along ; but he was just as dead as if he 'd been wrong . ’
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