Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] she [vb mod] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She must remember on no account to go on thinking about that or she might let something slip .
2 And , although she never actually put it into words she had made it perfectly clear that she would put him out of business if he did n't agree to her terms .
3 Hillary Clinton has made it clear that she would have her own part to play after husband Bill was swept to power .
4 Gazzer had been afraid that she would say something like : ‘ Well , you need n't have bothered ! ’ or ‘ You and whose army ! ’
5 He hated himself for these demeaning fantasies , and was reasonably afraid that she might suspect he nourished them .
6 Well when she 's level Clare means she 's well ahead of herself and now she 's got , you could give her books that were appropriate for a ten year old and she could read them
7 Well they want , they want divorce and they 'd rather custody of the children and if they 'll some but she can allow them to take the children away cos the well the media coverage , they 've obviously got they have a law .
8 ‘ We 'll make a proper job of this ! ’ she declared , and putting her fist into the crown , she forced it up as high as she could push it , and wore the resulting sombrero for the rest of the term .
9 I lose count of the lengths ; she 's at it for almost an hour , with her mind as empty as she can make it .
10 It was odd that she would have her own servant , Isabel mused vaguely .
11 Claudia did n't know Garry , or even his surname ; Dana had always had men in her life , but she had n't seemed serious about any of them , and so far Claudia had hoped in vain that she would find someone to love and to provide the anchor she 'd been missing so badly since their mother had died .
12 ‘ Mrs Frere is less strong than she would have us all believe . ’
13 With a field of vision as limited as hers it was amazing that she could see anything at all .
14 ‘ It is impossible that she can give her full concentration to this case if she is sitting under that sort of threat , ’ he said .
15 Gazzer felt closer to Marie now than he had ever done before , and it mattered to him very much that she should take him seriously .
16 It is thus appropriate that she should begin her enterprise in Out with an investigation of that originary metaphor described by Nietzsche , the act of perception .
17 She had refused to get up , now held his legs in a hug , and her face against his thighs , turning now one cheek then the other into the material of his trousers , just below his crotch , and he was dismayed that she might smell him , that his buttoned flies , however spick — and they were freshly laundered — might carry some old aroma all the same , for he knew how bodies animate and inform even the most lifeless paraphernalia , how Maria Filippa marked her hairbrush , her pillow , her section of the wardrobe , as surely with her scent as a roe leaves spoor for a hunting dog in a forest .
18 But she will probably already be experiencing more loneliness than they imagine , for much as she may enjoy her parent 's company , she will also have a need for other friendships and contacts with the world outside the home , and these may be very difficult for her to achieve .
19 ( 32 ) It was true that he himself was ignored by the countess as much as she dare ignore him
20 It was a request from a colleague : he 'd be grateful if she could cast her eye over an article he 'd written for a quarterly journal , by Friday if possible .
21 Oi asked Miki from Lush if she would tell me about the birds and the bees but instead she twatted me with a flange pedal .
22 Now if you have got any comments on that , tell my wife that and she 'll teach you some Anglo Saxon .
23 Rosa often went to the washplace with Sabina to help her and she was glad that she could pull her blue cotton dress out of the basket and slosh it into the water before anyone else could examine it for stains ; not that the stain spoke openly of its origins ; it could easily have been milk , thought Rosa .
24 His heart was banging against his chest wall so hard that she could feel it thudding into her as well .
25 He had said he was a very good friend of Danny , Carrie 's brother , and it was likely that she would see him sometime in the future .
26 I said she 's okay and she can handle it beautifully , and she 's never eaten any little parts yet and some of the arms , Bobby , are tiny !
27 The best bit 's when the light 's out , and I can listen to her breathing , and if I want to say summat — you know , summat that happened in the day — I can just speak soft and she 'll hear me .
28 very lucky if she 'll give it to you .
29 He wanted her to talk but he was n't being very successful , her answers were as near monosyllabic as she could make them .
30 Blokes stand still or she 'll have you
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