Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] i be [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Unless someone has a better solution , can I ask the many thousands of WCM readers who are as infuriated as I am to write and complain to the BBC 's Head Programme Scheduler .
2 The monitors alone are so loud that I am baffled as to how the crew operate without some type of semaphore system .
3 I 'm grateful that I was born when I was , rather than being a youngster today .
4 The doctors had given me strict orders to keep warm while I was recuperating and there was no heating at all in the house , ’ said Mrs Easby .
5 From outside it looked like a faded bell but within was a brilliant and sumptuous chamber of fiery gold adorned with most exquisite tapestry , and it moved me as much as I was moved when I saw the dome of the Blue Mosque at Isfahan , the most beautiful building I have ever seen .
6 He , he 's trying to make , he , he 's making him , you aggressive is n't he and I would say that he 's just thinking it 's low if I 'm going and this guy because , you know
7 Must get one a microwave if Debbie comes home I think , I 'll see , I 've been saying that but I was thinking if , I 'll have to wait and see Debbie
8 There was always political sparring around the bar when these two people were present and I am told that not many rounds were bought , but many rounds were fought .
9 They 're working on it , but there are about 50,000 kilometres of roads in all and I was told that fully half of them need to be torn up and rebuilt from scratch .
10 he 's just saying no but they 're really good and I 'm going but they 're not , they 're rubbish .
11 It 's all so predictable but I 'm f—ed if it 's gon na stop me . ’
12 At the agreed rate of 10¢ per column inch it meant that if I could provide two 25-inch columns per day , which was relatively easy for me , I could earn about $30 per week which was $6 more than I was getting when I gave up the staff job .
13 He looked at me uncertainly , fondling and patting his hair as usual , unsure if I was joking or not .
14 This means that there will be no restriction on the number of places available and I am hoping that as many parents as possible will come and so help to make a real occasion of it .
15 So he s , I said to him is it alright , says am I in danger of coasting if I 've got my foot on the if , if I 'm taking the corner in first and I 'm slipping and I got the clutch , I 'm using the engine but I 've , not much
16 I must admit I kept him tied up for longer than I was advised as I wanted to make sure he was capable of moving about safely as he invariably would want to look out of the door and then go back to his food .
17 I 'm quite happy to see if we can what we can do , I ca n't guarantee that my Right Honourable Friend will take a different view , but I 'm content to see what we can do and report if your Lordships think that that is suitable , but if we were to do that My Lord , I think it would mean erm er it would mean that all these amendments which are grouped together should not in fact be , be put t to the vote , I mean that means ever er er all your Lordships because I do n't think it would be very fair if I were to say that I would move mine and the Noble Lord , Lord MacIntosh were c to come along and move his amendment and mine meanwhile has gone down the drainpipe and I do n't think that that would be particularly funny , but the Noble Lord , Lord MacIntosh I 'm sure would n't do such a dastardly thing like that !
18 I HAVE recently become a vegetarian but am worried because I 'm told that I might be missing out on iron in my diet ?
19 Immediately I felt worried lest I be seen as different from the others .
20 When I was due to arrive in Tasmania to stay with a geologist colleague , Penny Green , you can imagine that I was n't too displeased when I was asked if I minded going on the odd fishing trip as the whole family was ’ into ’ it !
21 I used to do that when I was working and I had to leave at half four , used to do our kids , see when that clock gets to nine waken me I 'm fucking cold out our Ashley said mummy it 's after nine
22 I mean it 's not sore when I 'm walking or anything Doctor
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