Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] it [modal v] only [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It has only been met twice this year , the budget is quite small for the amount of work we can continue to do is quite small er it 's quite possible that it would only need to meet once a year in future so it would be sensible to combine it with other non-policy and traffic matters as a working party .
2 You should get there at all costs , because it is an absolutely astonishing place , but the nature of the spectacle is such that it can only work on you properly if the cirque is not being mobbed ; it demands a certain loneliness , and on afternoons in July and August , for instance , the coaches are said to have to queue before they can get into the village of Gavarnie .
3 ‘ That ought to be a blinding glimpse of the obvious , and it should also be obvious that it will only happen through disciplined and focused teaching .
4 One jerk , one shudder , one small loss of control and it would spill over into a chaos so terrible that it could only end in death .
5 Jade is scarce because it can only crystallize in that form under geological conditions of heat and pressure which were confined to certain faults in the earth 's crust .
6 Its name in Greek means ‘ that which looks downwards ’ , a reference to its head being so heavy that it would only loll lazily in the hot sand , waiting for a victim to walk by .
7 And , when you bought it , you knew for certain that it would only work on one specific piece of typesetting equipment .
8 So his results were preliminary but it would only take a few weeks ' work , using the neutron spectrometer , to know for sure .
9 Do n't try to remove anything before it is ready as it will only go wrong in the long run , making all your work so far a complete waste of effort .
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