Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] they be be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Murray and other civil servants were clear that they were being bamboozled on issues like the Clow differential ( p. 37 above ) but accepted much of the industry 's case .
2 Rather they are more concerned to instil discipline , directly and indirectly on those people who are no longer controlled by the soft discipline machine at work , and who might become growingly resentful that they are being made to pay the price of the economic recession .
3 While the sepoys hesitated , afraid that they were being attacked in the rear , he and the few surviving Sikhs made a dash for the trench and safety .
4 It is not clear if they were being tempted to the south in search of sugar or if the Atlantic voyages were mainly concerned with fishing .
5 But of your kitchen workers are working under conditions of such such great heat that that that they 're being burnt by it and and this can be avoided then employers have got a legal obligation to sa to make safe conditions .
6 So it can observe the animals illuminated by its red searchlight , while they swim in the dark , quite unaware that they are being eyed up as a potential meal .
7 They may , for instance , be unaware that they are being spoken to unless referred to by name , and they can miss out on humorous incidents which make the rest of the class laugh .
8 Unaware that they were being treated to a rhetoric bath , foreign reporters demanded a translation , whereupon Mohamed Salam , a Lebanese AP staffer , turned to them with grim cynicism .
9 Anyway , we had cleared nearly everything , only the tops of the trees were there , left to rotten and they were been dropped on the bushes .
10 It is quite clear from studies of aboriginal peoples elsewhere that they could be astute traders and politicians , using the European newcomers for their own ends as much as they were being used .
11 Food was unlikely to provide exactly the right nucleic acids ready-made , and it was more likely that they were being built up from their components .
12 If your bugs get sick a possibility is they 're gon na get sick because they 're being attacked by one of these things , and it 's a virus , terribly small of course .
13 Due to a limited response to their invitation , the steering committee felt frustrated because they were being thwarted by the very establishments that were meant to help prepare our youth for tomorrow to spread the ‘ Word ’ .
14 I also know of several productive bream waters where the bream never show themselves at all until they are being brought to the landing net .
15 no they just like , think that it looks good because they are being seen to go to church
16 The figure for inventory investment can be positive or negative ; positive when inventories are being added to , negative when they are being depleted .
17 However , many of my colleagues were a little concerned that they were being told of the final outcome , but nothing on the short term effects . ’
18 They can be essential if counsellees are to be encouraged to continue talking about the painful feelings they have about themselves and their lives , happy that they are being treated with dignity and respect .
19 Many thought that greenery would go away when times got tough but they are being proved wrong .
20 Union chiefs and angry workers are already threatening a bitter Winter of Discontent , furious that they are being asked to pay the price for economic recovery .
21 Local district councillors are furious that they are being forced by the Government to introduce fees for commercial waste collection .
22 As you suspect your plant are probably disappearing because they are being eaten by your fish ( Platy 's , Clown Loach ) .
23 Keeping track of young people is particularly difficult when they are being looked after by an SSD .
24 Many wild animals , such as rare parrots , are rare because they are being taken and used as pets .
25 The seals , one 1,000-years-old and the other 300-years-old , were stolen from a car parked in Linthorpe , Middlesbrough , in August 1989 as they were being taken to be valued .
26 Nor is the observer 's paradox an issue , since speakers are not tape-recorded and are not even aware that they are being observed .
27 In social bird-watching it is very important that the people studied are not aware that they are being studied or that anyone is setting up a particular environment for them to behave in .
28 Jack Delano was never an invisible photographer — his subjects were always aware that they were being photographed — in fact he had acquired so many friends during the early stages of the project in the 1940s that approaching the same people in the 1980s was a mere formality .
29 The four ran on , and the Sellswords became aware that they were being attacked in the rear .
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