Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] be [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She was relieved to be out in the cool night air , but the journey home was an awkward one and she felt a little sorry for herself as she waited for her second bus .
2 From the left flank , the Labour Party gleefully exalted in ‘ Tory chaos ’ , content to be out of the spotlight .
3 Once I had said my thanks and farewells to William and to the immense policeman who had silently accompanied us throughout the afternoon , I headed away down the rutted tracks , rather glad to be back on the road and off back to Panama City .
4 That is until we stopped for a toilet break in a lay-by , when the howling gale and torrential rain lashed our naked bottoms like a Cabinet minister in a Soho sauna , and made me glad to be back in the car beside the sleeping-bags .
5 This bereaved pensioner was glad to be in at the present death .
6 Some said they were glad to be out of the fighting : ‘ We are not prisoners , we are guests , ’ in the words of one .
7 He was glad to be out of the caravan .
8 " We 're glad to be out of the bad weather , " he said .
9 Everyone flopped on the grass , glad to be out in the sun , and began lunch .
10 The most common offence was to break the curfew , aliens were not supposed to be out on the streets after eleven .
11 In its frosty , stunned isolation , his mind found it quite natural to be out in the wind in this remote place , waiting for a disembodied voice .
12 If the file is likely to be out of the sling for a long period put a note in the sling itself to show the new location .
13 The 27-year-old Oldham keeper is likely to be out for the rest of the season after tearing wrist ligaments against Manchester United .
14 RISING star Remittance Man has damaged a tendon in his off-fore and is likely to be out for the rest of the season .
15 Luton winger Scott Oakes has undergone a cartilage operation and is likely to be out for the rest of the season .
16 She was thrilled to be back on the trail again .
17 Was n't it very cold to be out on the moor at that hour ?
18 Well , it 's good to be back on the list and catching up on the mountain of messages .
19 It was good to be back in the peace of the Outer Isles , to swim and laze in the still of a summer evening .
20 There was some confusion as to who was to be left behind , as ever all wanting to be in at the action , the Steward and Moray flatly refusing to stay .
21 ’ It 's great to be back in the lap of luxury , so it is .
22 We stepped off the plane into warm balmy air , happy to be back amongst the many English and Maltese friends we have made here .
23 I was happy to see him and happy to be back in the Star Zoo again .
24 It was quite a drive and quite a list for when she got there , so she was unlikely to be back before the early evening ; but this was no great problem , because they 'd soon be closing the doors so that they could make a start on the next day 's preparations .
25 Martin Bell is pleased to be back on the circuit , despite disappointing results early on after his knee operation
26 The boat moved restlessly beneath them , as if impatient to be out on the open sea .
27 It was wonderful to be up in the air and to feel the air swishing past his face .
28 Was this the Devil himself come to fetch them , black cloaked and wealthy , splenetic and anxious to be back in the warm place he came from …
29 ‘ Everyone thought I was marvellous to be back on the catwalk seven weeks after Amber was born .
30 " Nice to be out in the cool though .
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