Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] a [adj] many [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The captive chimpanzee would have no difficulty with mating if its mating behaviour — like that of a great many mammals — were simply triggered by the sense of smell and by hormonal or pheromonal stimulation .
2 ‘ In difficult times like a recession , getting the best value is absolutely crucial for a great many people .
3 Professional markers are a superb sketching medium , adaptable to a great many styles and very fast to use .
4 This is a very lethal condition and has been responsible for a great many accidents and much loss of life .
5 Generally , though , the heirs are not identified ; in any case such entries are sporadic except in Cornwall , where the Celtic custom of partible inheritance caused them to be widespread , and incidentally obliterates the trail of the persons concerned in a great many cases .
6 It would appear , from more recent studies , that food additives are important in a great many children with hyperkinetic syndrome , but that it is unusual to find a child for whom additives are the sole problem .
7 These are important to a great many people , whether they are perceived in terms of localised effects impinging on their everyday lives or in terms of the national picture which emerges from news media coverage and wider reading .
8 The treatment of diarrhoeal diseases therefore forms a subject which is relevant to a great many people throughout the world .
9 This may be true — it is already true of a great many regulations with which companies must comply — but it may also reflect the fundamental nature of financial regulation .
10 But where a parish was mostly in the hands of a small peasantry , and this was true of a great many parishes in Midland and eastern England , the effect would have been entirely different .
11 He was well aware of the anthropomorphism and indeed found it satisfying ; it was as though , in the Britches , thigh-deep in lashing nettle and octopus strands of clutching bramble he was coming to grips at last with a great many things and , as often as not , getting the upper hand .
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