Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] it [prep] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It would be possible for it to be installed in Canterbury as the majority of calls coming into London are usually transferred to Canterbury anyway .
2 Moreover , that focal point could be established as a definition of ‘ god ’ sufficiently broad for it to be accepted as the believed-in entity covering all the diverse forms of the totems credited with the power to heal .
3 At the same time the inner part lies too high for it to be entrusted to the cellos without probable results of the most devastating nature .
4 The County and Borough authorities had been informed that accommodation at the workhouse was too limited for it to be used as a place of detention under the Children 's Act of 1909 .
5 I do not share his view that it is inappropriate for it to be excluded from compulsory competitive tendering .
6 Does my right hon. Friend agree that , if justice is to be seen to be done , it is far better for it to be dispensed closer to the community in which the crime took place ?
7 For the treatment of such water , it is not uncommon for it to be subjected to flocculation with alum or alum-sodium aluminate , followed by pressure filtration , or for a filter aid to be added and the water then passed through a filter with fine clearances , such as a meta-filter .
8 What would happen is that the physiotherapist would actually train the mother to do it , she would show her what exercises need to be done and they have to be done almost constantly , several times a day and whenever there 's a spare moment , so therefore it 's not feasible for it to be done in a hospital is it ?
9 Some mothers will be too disorganized to do this : either they may demonstrate a lack of concern about the problem or the stresses at home may be too great for it to be filled in reliably .
10 Two van loads of illegal hard core pornography the spoils of seven raids on sex shops in Northampton and all of it to be incinerated .
11 Because er I mean a lot of children these days , I think about my parents , it 's their money , they spend it , and I do n't really see that it 's important for it to be passed on to us , but in the case of a large estate , it becomes more important , if you 're looking at sort of two hundred three hundred thousand estate , then there 's going to be a lot of erm er asset value which would be taxable .
12 She was tall , perfectly proportioned , and was more than happy for it to be admired , just so long as the admiration did not get too intrusive .
13 He would have used a common wood , not exotic , but all the same , there would be more of it to be found , perhaps even in the cabinet he was making of bleached oak .
14 Despite exotic characters and racy plots , the basic social context of Brooke-Rose 's early work was too familiar for it to be deemed truly original .
15 ‘ However , there is no need for any of it to be sold .
16 Shadow from the Gladiators has a reputation as a hard man … but he 's keen for it to be known that he 's really just a big softie at heart .
17 Chloroguanide was not itself a pyrimidine , but it was sufficiently close for it to be tested in L. casei , where it showed interesting effects , resembling some of Hitchings ' compounds .
18 But in a written statement Chelsea said tonight : ’ As far as the playing situation is concerned we are a million miles apart and we 're quite happy if necessary for it to be settled by the Football League appeals procedure . ’
19 If art 4 does not apply to the offer , it will be necessary for it to be issued or approved by an authorised person .
20 Although this sounds like propaganda , the memory of chemical warfare waged by the Iraqis in the Gulf war is too recent for it to be dismissed .
21 There was nothing new in it to be discovered , and it was preventing them from making new discoveries elsewhere .
22 Whilst an object within LIFESPAN will always be of a specific class and therefore will follow the associated process model , it is not mandatory for it to be specified to be of a certain subtype .
23 The conflict between " practical " and " idealist " politics had become too bitter for it to be abandoned on the collapse of the Labour Government .
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