Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [pn reflx] [conj] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 All the different interest groups have suddenly been allowed to come out into the open and in some cases it is a question of each for himself and damn the rest . ’
2 It was as if game birds had been flushed by beaters and driven towards a central point , forced to attack the heart of power and authority in a desperate bid to secure this for themselves and seal the planet .
3 Then he hailed another for himself and gave the driver the address of the Montrose .
4 The idea of self-coaching is not to turn your windsurfing into a strict coaching regime and take the fun out of it , rather to be a little more honest with yourself and let the coach part of you analyse and objectively observe what you do .
5 One of the things he was NEVER NEVER allowed to do , the most exciting of them all , was to go out through the garden gate all by himself and explore the world beyond .
6 All of us are very good at blaming ourselves if things go wrong and feeling upset , but we must be fair with ourselves and take the credit when things go well .
7 Make sure they know the most suitable clothes to wear , how to make the best of themselves while taking the opportunity to be seen and heard by a vast number of people .
8 Tumour ‘ promoters ’ are substances such as the phorbolesters that are n't carcinogenic by themselves but encourage the growth of malignant tumours in cells that have previously been exposed to a low dose of a true carcinogen ( known as an initiator ) .
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