Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [v-ing] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Sorry for coming in under the wire at er nine fourteen according to this clock .
2 Make a hitch with the tarred string around the stake adjacent to the top of the sacking collar , lock knot it between stake and stem , and leave 3–4 inches ( 8–10cm ) hanging ( you will need this for tying off at the end ) .
3 The two became inseparable after working together on the BBC2 drama series , Salam Sha-lom .
4 They may be worried about how to be gay , but far fewer of them are as desperate not to be and though they may be afraid of reaching out to the gay world , mostly they know it exists .
5 49% of you are more afraid of driving alone in the dark than you used to be .
6 To prevent this from running down on-to the rest of the body and the swaddling clothes , it was immediately covered by a narrow linen band known as the ‘ chrysom ’ ; and it was the custom , should a child die before it was one month old , that this chrysom was used as the head-covering to the funerary swaddling .
7 ‘ I 've had businesses and lots of youth groups contacting me extremely interested in going out in the boat .
8 By the way , there will be room in the car for anyone interested in joining anywhere along the way .
9 Club members are interested in linking up with a club from England , to share machine knitting ideas and problem solving .
10 The purpose of these days will be to join with others who are interested in finding out about the work of Cafod or Faith and Justice and to support and encourage those working with poverty both in our own diocese and in other parts of the world .
11 Does the Prime Minister recall my earlier concern that the parameters that he was instrumental in drawing up at the Rome summit , to separate an incipient European Community defence policy from NATO 's responsibilities for the defence of Europe , should be preserved ?
12 If the glider gets wet before taking off for a high climb , the airbrakes may freeze up and become unusable .
13 This is analogous to wandering around in a misty marsh in a river valley surrounded by invisible summits .
14 He does this by moving away from the shoal of fry and then thrashing about in the water as if injured .
15 The bridge plate should only need replacing if it is split or lifting away from beneath the table ; check for this by looking inside with a torch and a small mirror .
16 You can prove this by going back to the start of the paragraph and pressing the Backspace key .
17 Perhaps I can make this clear by distinguishing tentatively between the notion of prestige and the notion of standard language .
18 Alexander Ballantine , 51 , who was found guilty of driving dangerously by a jury after a trial at Dingwall Sheriff Court last month , was also banned from driving for five years .
19 To quote the Federation 's annual report for 1948–49 , ‘ one purpose of the Federation ’ is ‘ that of bringing together in a friendly atmosphere the members of different Branches and Groups and thereby strengthening the unity and spirit of the WEA in Essex ’ .
20 Whether or not this small-scale self-publication works in terms of sales is less important than the extraordinary experience it can provide : that of working hard with a few other writers at making something , putting something into print .
21 The small swimming pool is perfect for cooling off under the force of the midday sun , and the snack bar serves a great range of food into the early hours of the morning .
22 A service done out of friendship such as helping out at a barbecue or because of a threat is not within s.1 .
23 To be an active dealer entails taking positions in currencies such as going long in the dollars and short in DMs .
24 Such as going back to the house and making love to you until you start begging for mercy . ’
25 In the 1914 period the custom was to turn the aircraft upside down and then to load the wings with bags of sand or lead shot distributed so as to represent the various aerodynamic loads which occur under the worst conditions , such as pulling out of a dive .
26 Other major things such as er doing away with time consuming exercise such as travelling even to the store for tools .
27 In the end , she got very bored with staring out of the window at all the greenery outside .
28 Before they parted it seemed to Sophia that he was trying to draw Ianthe aside , as if to make an assignation with her , but she gave him so little encouragement , indeed seemed almost to avoid him , that he had to be content with looking forward to the doubtful pleasure of meeting the whole party the next evening after dinner at the Trevi fountain .
29 This is very much in keeping moreover with the nature of comparative clauses , since , as has been seen in the discussion of need and dare , they contain an inherent non-assertiveness .
30 There were several messages for her when she arrived back at the hotel , and she worked at her desk until six before walking back to the house through the gathering dusk .
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