Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [noun prp] [conj] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A decision to cut or pass the dividend will be especially painful for Costain because of the blow it will be for the 91 per cent of shareholders who took up last year 's rights issue and because Costain will be only the second major contractor , after John Laing , to cut the pay-out .
2 Moreover , Unix System Labs and Novell Inc are believed to be antagonistic and resentful of UI if for no other reason than it stands between them and their OEM customers .
3 Hailing in the past has had many farms , and of these Court Farm is the last major farm , and Mr Peter Lingham now farms the greater part of the agricultural land in Halling as well as some in Cuxton and across the parish boundary into Snodland .
4 Bryan was manager of the Irish teams which played in 1981 at Long Beach , in 1985 in London and in the 1991 Perth Festival , and he says : ‘ They were wonderful events , all of them , but we are planning in Dublin to make 1993 the jewel in the crown ’ .
5 Sarah had told Anne that her grandmother 's lodger Josh Adamson had died of a heart attack at the start of the raid , but they said nothing of this to Julia nor of the casualty lists which were posted up containing many names of people they knew .
6 The rest of the day was n't very clear to Benny because of the heavy cloud of disappointment that seemed to hang over the whole proceedings .
7 We shall return to this issue later , but it surprised me to discover that the population of Waltham Forest needed more expenditure per head for such deprivation than that of Cleveland and about the same amount as Knowsley ; similar observations stem from the comparison of Hackney and Westminster , although this is hampered by including components referring to ILEA .
8 Giants went ahead at 69-67 through Johnson and as the momentum swung away from the Finns , overall victory suddenly seemed a possibility .
9 This is compounded by the relatively high level of psychiatric morbidity in areas such as Southwark and by a 11% reduction in NHS funding resulting from a new weighted capitation system , which is diverting money from inner south London to Kent and Sussex .
10 The development of neutralist tendencies in Asia , along the lines of Malaysian policy , could act to nullify any defence component of regional organisations such as ASEAN and in the medium term reduce their resistance to the Soviet collective security scheme .
11 They need to be informed about the aims and content of foreign language teaching in this country , as laid down at present by exams such as GSCE and in the future by the National Curriculum .
12 Investment business While a summary of the Solicitors ' Investment Business Rules 1990 may be found in Chapter 12 , it is appropriate at this point to note that every firm which carries on investment business within the meaning of the Financial Services Act 1986 is required to be authorised either through a Self-Regulating Organisation ( SRO ) such as FIMBRA or through a Recognised Professional Body ( RPB ) or directly from the Securities and Investments Board .
13 This makes sense to the degree that one of the legal authorities whom Coke most often cites is Bracton ( Henry de Bracton , De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae ) , who dies in 1268 , having flourished under Henry III of England and during the minority of Henry 's son , the future Edward I. Moreover Edward and Eleanor spent the winter of 1270–71 in Sicily , en route to the Holy Land , and returned there in 1272 for Edward to learn that , his father having died , he was king of England .
14 He has an impressive command of the literature of both art and optical science across much of Europe and over a span of four centuries .
15 Originally the island was joined to Purbeck by a Chalk ridge the ends of which are still visible in Purbeck and in the Needles at the western end of the Isle of Wight .
16 Publications in the 1960s , such as Honest to God and Toward a Quaker View of Sex , represented for her the encroachment or infiltration of a new moral orthodoxy into the Church itself .
17 Our panel this month included Paul Boutinot of Paul Boutinot Wines the north 's leading shipper , who trotted out some wines form his own stable of Champagne look-alikes ; Bill Towers who must be unique in Britain because as a sheep farmer in the Lake District he runs a very successful wine merchants out of one of the barns on his farm .
18 I think she would have a very hard time providing leadership , especially now that she is being perceived as more beholden to Washington than to the Filipino people . "
19 He wanted to hear all about Georg and about the boyfriends in Vienna .
20 This entitled him to search for and sell ‘ natural gas , petroleum , asphalt and ozokerite ’ throughout all of Persia except in the five northern provinces adjoining Russia .
21 Over the summer of 1915 these women were remarkably successful in gaining audiences with the powerful throughout Europe and in the United States .
22 An Interior Ministry communiqué cited in broadcasts on Dec. 2 announced a curfew from Dec. 5 in Algiers and in the provinces of Tipaza , Boumerda , Blida , Medea and Bouira between 10.30 p.m. and 5 a.m , in a further crackdown on Islamic militants [ see p. 39215 ] .
23 Latin America is familiar territory for many in ELT although in the '80s it was sometimes neglected .
24 Half a litre of Stella Artois lager is 60p cheaper in France than in the UK , and a bottle of Morgon Beaujolais is just half the price .
25 He derided those who thought it was ‘ all right to stay in opposition so long as your socialist heart is pure ’ , and argued it was not they who suffered , but the poor in Britain and in the third world : ‘ We are not just a debating society .
26 MV is necessarily equal to PQ because of the way the terms are defined .
27 These arguments against a prescribed list seem to me of great weight , just as applicable to Britain as to the United States .
28 For he has fittingly restored the most beautiful places built long ago by Charles the Great at Nijmegen and near the village of Ingelheim , adorned with acclaimed workmanship — structures extremely well built but decaying through neglect and age .
29 He and his wife Jean live within the Castle , and coexist happily with visiting barn owls , hedgehogs and roe deer as well as the resident bat colony , one of the largest in Scotland and including the relatively rare Natterer 's bat .
30 As GRAMOPHONE readers know , CD prices are substantially lower in America than in the UK , and while we rarely complain about this it does raise the number of units which must be sold to reach the break-even point on a particular recording : this in turn discourages risk-taking on limited appeal issues .
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