Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] at " in BNC.

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1 Some authorities believe that a really delicate reaction is only possible for the domestic cat at up to 45,000 cycles per second .
2 I 'm due off the first tee at ten past twelve .
3 What is particularly striking about the molecular gas at the centre , however , is the relative paucity of present-day star formation .
4 This story about an ageing monarch was considered quite unsuitable for the young Queen at the start of her reign .
5 It was like falling asleep after a stormy night at sea .
6 Well Wrapped , 7-4 fav , is lucky to be alive after a crashing fall at Newbury in February but made all in the Charlecote Handicap .
7 Richard Dunwoody is quoted at 13–8 after a magnificent five-timer at Chepstow on Saturday put him four clear at the top of the table .
8 Only minutes earlier , the gentle giant was in the bar chatting with friends and fans , the next he 's on stage and screaming himself raw as the tortured madman at the wheel of the flaming incandescence that is Into Paradise live .
9 The late landlord 's estate of numerous flea pits was managed by an agent who was n't too bothered about the slight leak at the connection between my toilet and the drain .
10 It could be that at some future date we may wish to consider running DOS-based PCs from a Unix file-server , but it is preferable that we leave this as a possible option at the moment , rather than a definite commitment .
11 Whatever approach is taken to the patient at special risk of suicide it is most important that all members of staff involved in the patient 's care are absolutely clear about the current policy at all times .
12 The Court of Appeal on Nov. 25 overturned the conviction of Winston Silcott , sentenced to life imprisonment in 1987 for the murder of Police Constable Keith Blakelock in October 1985 during a violent disturbance at Broadwater Farm estate in Tottenham , north London [ see p. 34256 ] .
13 A correspondent sent me the programme for the Annual Social of the Female Caseroom at the Ballantyne Press , held in Swan 's Tea Rooms in April 1906 .
14 His remarks left some of the cricketing Establishment at last night 's dinner feeling distinctly uncomfortable .
15 West Germany has a PTT — the Bundespost — with exceptionally commanding ways ; moreover the presence of some of the regulatory control at the Land ( regional ) level can lead to a policy chaos which Germans , let alone foreigners , can find difficult to penetrate .
16 The lights at the docks twinkled mistily , and some of the larger craft at moorings carried lights , but for the most part the harbour was a broad plain of darkness .
17 Selling more shares to foreigners and a growing Indonesian middle class would be the cheapest way for the group to finance further expansion and defuse some of the widespread resentment at Mr Liem 's success .
18 Equation ( 7.9 ) shows that the loss of the inductor is given by the same resistances R 1 and R 4 and the resistance R 2 of the variable resistor at balance .
19 Equation ( 7.10 ) shows that the inductance may be calculated from the resistances R 1 and R 4 and the capacitance C 2 of the variable capacitor at balance , in accordance with the initial claim made for the bridge .
20 Add to that the fact that they no longer have an interest in Ireland 's premier club championship the CIS Irish Senior Cup , and the Private Greens Senior Milk Cup , and many wonder just what has gone wrong with the senior team at Fruithill Park this season .
21 Dobies ' dwarf godetia ‘ Satin ’ comes in a lovely range of pink and white , some with a dark blotch at the base of each petal .
22 The canal runs high above the Tame valley at Hamstead .
23 We leave the second part to the sorceress who 's the really strong character in the whole play to spoil this love match and she sends the spirit of herself in the form of the God Mercury to deceive Anaeas into saying he 's got to go away , so he goes and tells Dido he must leave and of course Dido 's heartbroken and she commits suicide and of course this is celebrated with the famous lament at the end of the opera .
24 A quiet , soft-spoken man , he arrived at the yards in the dark days of 1983 fresh from a difficult stint at British Shipbuilders and it was he who persuaded the Government to allow a management/employee buyout in 1988 .
25 A WEEK 'S self-catering in a Standard room at Somerwest in August will cost a family of four £504 .
26 The unknown 25-year-old fired a five under par 67 in the third round at Santa Ponsa to carry a one-stroke advantage into the final 18 holes tomorrow .
27 John Mowlem , founder of the well-known London contractors , was born in 1788 in an ancient cottage at what is now Court Hill .
28 Er Lot number eighty nine Lot number eighty nine the seal there 's the seal there showing Lot number eighty nine for seventy pounds , at seventy pounds , at five , eighty , eighty five , ninety , ninety five , a hundred pounds and ten , at one hundred and ten pounds , all done at one ten , any more , one twenty one thirty one forty one forty in the front row at one hundred and forty I 've got and I shall sell at one forty .
29 ‘ Dogmatic theology is the science which systematises the doctrine prevalent in a Christian church at a given time ’ .
30 They were also much more mystically oriented , and had much in common with the various mystery schools prevalent in the Mediterranean world at the time .
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