Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [pron] [noun pl] or [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They may be able to allay some of your fears or draw attention to further investigation needed .
2 But was I still wearing some of my clothes or carrying them all bundled in my arms ?
3 If after our Booking Allocation has been issued , you wish to change to another of our holidays or alter your booking in any way ( e.g. by changing your departure date or accommodation ) we will do our utmost to make the changes , provided written notification is received at our offices from the person who signed the Booking Form , or your Travel Agent , at least six weeks before your departure date .
4 Their faces emanate a radiance , though whether he actually sees this with his eyes or knows it by some sort of deductive process he is not entirely sure .
5 Limiting the options of the young , by forcing them either to remain dependent on their families or to join YTP or JTP schemes , was unacceptable .
6 The family has either lost many of its functions or has become more specialized in these functions .
7 When not working , he was playing sport , busy with his hands or training his dog .
8 Just because they are OK with you it does n't mean you are blind to their inadequacies or view them through rose-coloured spectacles .
9 Well , as no-one 'ad bought any of me violets or treated me to a sandwich , and me near dyin' of starvation , with no job and no lodgings , well , I was so desperate I went up and grabbed the wallet , which Blackbeard was wavin' about at Dan Pearson .
10 Further details , including written information regarding any of our savings or lending services , can be obtained from any branch of Midland Bank or alternatively , from the address shown on the reverse of this leaflet .
11 Further details , including written information about any of our savings or lending services , can be obtained from any Midland Bank branch , or from the address shown at the back of this leaflet .
12 Sky T V so they were either watching it on their own or being very neighbourly with their neighbours or listening to it on the radio or as you say , up in Liverpool .
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