Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [noun] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The report , originally due for publication later in the spring , criticises the Department of Transport for not fully applying lessons from previous , less serious collisions on the river .
2 Supply agreements with key customers which are due for renewal shortly after the intended completion date .
3 Evidence that David Kirby was keen to show that L&SE was no longer a region-based organisation is to be found in the launch of Awayday , entitling an adult , if accompanied by at least one child , to purchase up to four additional tickets for adults or children at a flat fare of £1 each for use anywhere within the sector area .
4 of state therefore explain why in England it 's prof possible to get a straight answer from the Secretary of State with the figures of the S S A for the last five years , for this year and for next year and it 's not possible to get that for Wales either from the Home Secretary or from the honourable gentl right honourable gentleman .
5 There is enough light for photosynthesis only in the top 100 m or less ; the region known as the euphotic zone .
6 Turkish forces mounted a large-scale security operation in the south-eastern Cudi mountain region from Aug. 31 to Sept. 4 , after 500 PKK guerrillas attacked a border post on Aug. 30 near Semdinli close to the Turkish borders with Iran and Iraq .
7 With diatonic triads , in root position and first and second inversions , we have a choice of twenty-one different chords ( Example 31 ) : If to these triads we add the possible inversions of added sixth and seventh chords , we have a choice of seventy different chords ( not seventy-seven , as one would suppose , for some are duplicates ) : Add to this the fact that the notes in each chord can be varied in register ( that chords can be ‘ close ’ or ‘ open ’ ) , and we have a very wide range of possibilities — and this with chords only in the key of C major .
8 Streamline Graded Readers are based on the same clear and well-controlled syllabus which has made the Streamline coursebooks popular with teachers all over the world .
9 Unfortunately , he was interested in mathematics only as a hobby , and so he did not bother to publish any of his work .
10 Those who are interested in doubt only from a practical standpoint may want to pass from this definition of doubt as doublemindedness directly to an examination of the categories of doubt in part two .
11 Hawking leaves the impression that he may be interested in God largely as a means of drawing an audience towards scientific ideas .
12 as his delegate , they are not exercisable in relation either to an authorised person who is a member of a self-regulating organisation or to certain appointed representatives : section 64(4) .
13 Dunning and his co-workers are undoubtedly justified in maintaining that football hooliganism was prevalent in society long before the post-war decline of community life ; and that it was common for young males to attend football matches without adult supervision before the 1960s .
14 The inhabitants were culturally indistinguishable from Serbs elsewhere in the Balkans .
15 It is certainly true that states have in the past used methods and means of warfare not outlawed by any specific prohibition although running counter to general principles , and they have sought to justify this by reference either to the principle of reprisal or that of military effectiveness .
16 Not all costs can apply to all species and some naturally outbreeding species may use other mechanisms for avoiding the costs of inbreeding , such as dispersal away from the natal area by one sex ( reviewed by Greenwood , 1980 ) .
17 ASL compensates by using compound signs such as TABLE/CHAIR etc. for the concept of furniture .
18 The pre-Classic Maya seem to have first exploited the raised platforms in the swamps by growing crops such as maize only in the dry season ( now February to May ) .
19 London is , as well , the main place for entertainment , hundreds of cinemas especially in the ‘ West End ’ , costing a fortune of around twenty-five pounds .
20 The yellow splash of paint showed up hundreds of metres away in the bright sunshine .
21 You must have had hundreds of mistresses all over the world — ’
22 However it is not only the famous who give up their time as there are hundreds of missionaries all around the world trying to help people of the same and different religions through worship to God .
23 On one occasion I was present when , due to the exigencies of war , a Kachin from eastern Burma fetched up hundreds of miles away in a Kachin village in eastern Assam .
24 There was one door : set into one of the metal walls , it had an electronic lock that , while not as sophisticated as the transmat , was certainly hundreds of years away from the medieval technology of Arcadia .
25 They were carved laboriously out of the solid rock hundreds of years ago for the purpose of pounding soe , or ground bait , a practice that continued until late in the 19th century .
26 They had been built many hundreds of years ago by the people who lived on the moor .
27 As defiant shoppers and workers flooded back into Manchester city centre yesterday , police rejected claims they herded hundreds of workers directly into the path of the second bomb .
28 After fifteen minutes on the Metro to Nevski Prospect I was met by a teeming downpour , heavy enough to keep me holed up under cover until ten minutes before the performance was due to start , and with the hall some hundreds of yards away along a back-street .
29 They were alone in the middle of acres of oak , hundreds of yards away from the nearest path .
30 If , for example , the shot is of an expanse of countryside , the camera may be many hundreds of yards away from the main feature , say a group of trees .
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