Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [adj] [noun sg] [be] the " in BNC.

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1 This broad flat street was the city 's living room .
2 Another possible contributory factor is the increasing difficulty in admitting acutely ill patients .
3 The Interior Ministry announced on May 22 that increasing unrest was the preliminary stage of a military coup which the banned Islamic fundamentalist Nahda movement had been preparing since 1988 .
4 Another interesting special case is the circle in Figure 5 , which cuts the circle of inversion at right angles .
5 The only exception to this clear male-female hierarchy was the occasion of the ceremony of the red heifer when a female was slaughtered for atonement and purification ( Num.
6 The self-imposed limitations of this ‘ visual anthology of the Domestic room in Scotland culled principally from the collection of the National Monuments Record of Scotland ’ apart , this intriguing little book is the first of its kind .
7 In this dark medieval labyrinth is the restaurant Baráčnická Rychta , meeting place of the newly formed Society of the Friends of the Malá Strana .
8 Even if this analysis is open to question at some points , it can not be doubted that some such metaphorical sense is the most natural one ( within the same writing as our text , Yahweh 's " ways " are clearly his " way of life " or " moral administration " at Isa 55.8 , 9 ) .
9 This simple terrible reversal was the suicide .
10 The make-or-break factor in this delicate post-course period is the attitude of the person 's immediate superior .
11 8 If you like traditional furnishings , this colourful freestanding mirror is the perfect accessory .
12 This drunken abusive wanker was the real thing , and this is a real biography . ’
13 Pressure to limit unplanned high-density urban sprawl was the more acute because , in the fifteen years before 1908 , 500,000 acres of land passed from agricultural to building use , mostly on the fringes of existing urban areas .
14 A fashionable explanation is that this rapid upward spiral is the product of Machiavellian intelligence by which individuals gain great advantage from outwitting others .
15 To pass by , you 'd never know that this humble Victorian cottage was the birthplace of one of the world 's greatest composers ; Edward Elgar .
16 This traditional French cookware is the choice of many professional cooks and is a range you will undoubtedly want to add to during its years of service .
17 And another major regional issue is the plight of the Palestinians .
18 Another powerful financial weapon is the annual decision made by the government on the amount of grant to be given to local authorities to aid current expenditure .
19 And another good old word is the crome , now er that was one I came across for the first time when I came into Suffolk , the crome .
20 ROS : ( Cutting his fingernails ) Another curious scientific phenomenon is the fact that the fingernails grow after death , as does the beard .
21 The main attraction of this ancient fortified town is the huge Roman amphitheatre , where many fights between gladiators and wild animals were once held .
22 Another complicating social factor is the change in working patterns .
23 Another important managerial task is the control and coordination of activities .
24 Another important religious symbol was the sacral knot .
25 This beautiful old city is the largest in the country .
26 Below the cliffs at this lonely coastal village are the ruined granite houses of the original village of Hallsands , once a thriving place chiefly occupied in crab fishing .
27 Geoffrey Elton has consistently argued that this revolutionary new strategy was the brainchild of the recently appointed secretary to the privy council , Thomas Cromwell , who should thus be seen as the sole architect of the Henrician Reformation .
28 The founders of this open joint-stock company are the State Centre for Museums and Exhibitions and the International Cultural Centre of the Russian Ministry of Culture , the All-Russian Chamber of Exchanges and the All-Russian Trading House .
29 And yet , as though not she but some other invisible agency were the true author of the work , page after page was done .
30 The next possibility is that this new once-a-week frequency is the level at which one or both of you unconsciously feels happiest with sex .
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