Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun sg] [noun] made [pron] " in BNC.

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1 This same year Munnings made his controversial attack on modern art at the Royal Academy dinner and afterwards resigned as its President .
2 While Bush supported the bill 's aim to create 50 urban and rural enterprise zones , the fact that the bill included some three dozen minor tax increases made it likely that the President would veto the measure either directly , or through simply declining to sign it , a procedure known as a " pocket veto " .
3 Congress had given final approval to the bill on Oct. 8 [ see p. 39136 ] , but the fact that the package also included some three dozen minor tax increases made it highly unlikely that Bush would approve it during the election campaign .
4 Doing all that TV stuff made me realise that , no , what I 'm interested in is pure movement .
5 In ancient Greek myth Harlequin made his first appearance as Hermes ( or Mercury ) , the messenger of the gods and himself the god of all animals and travellers .
6 A plethora of famous twentieth century writers made their names on radio .
7 The post-war National Insurance arrangements made it an unattractive proposition for married women , typically low-waged , to opt for paying full National Insurance contributions when a much cheaper ‘ married woman 's option ’ was available .
8 One other inquiry witness made everyone else 's predictions of the worst seem tame .
9 BRITAIN 'S biggest long-distance coach operator made its stock market debut yesterday but its backers have not exactly made their fortunes .
10 A preliminary exploratory questionnaire study made it clear that subjects find it very difficult to give accident figures unless they have some anchors for their estimates .
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