Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [conj] it is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Antennae keenly tuned by the hopes of lucrative business , the new director , Bernard Herdan , was quoted in the Independent on Sunday as looking forward to even greater wonders : ‘ The day is not too far distant when we will be able to tell the ordinary public whether it is going to rain in their street within the next hour . ’
2 He is very much aware that it is accompanied by a veiled or growing threat of trouble if he does not co-operate .
3 But this will need constant nurturing if it is to develop into an appreciation of the richness of poetry , where words are ‘ alive with a plurality of meanings from their contexts , their associations and their sensory qualities ; they are alive with what Ted Hughes calls ‘ the goblin in a word'' ’ ( this quotation is from Michael Benton 's essay on ‘ The Importance of Poetry in Children 's Learning ’ , from the NATE book Lessons in English Teaching and Learning [ 1988 ] ) ( p. 148 ) .
4 It is remarkable first because it is found in two places in almost identical form ( Orientalium Ecclesiarum 5 , and Unitatis Redintegratio 16 ) ; secondly , because in each case , and only here , did the Council use the word ‘ solemnly ’ : it solemnly declares .
5 Perhaps the most famous of all , this ham is dry cured when it is rubbed with salt and then matured for 3–4 months .
6 Moving on to the problem of unemployment throughout the European Community , the Chancellor said : ‘ Last year unemployment in the community rose by 1.25 million and it is projected to rise further this year to some 11 per cent of the work force .
7 Perhaps some positive aspects are contained within fat 's designation as taboo ; for instance , some people find fat attractive because it is forbidden and marginal : ‘ It may be that the forbidden is exciting because it is forbidden .
8 But it is n't easy to be envied , any more than it is to feel envy .
9 Any more than it is targeted towards high-tech , R and D , office headquarters
10 ‘ I 'm not thinking of it any more because it is done . ’
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