Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [adj] [verb] i be " in BNC.

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1 Lot number one O four Lot number one O four military sword there 's the sword showing for a hundred and fifty pounds , at one fifty , sixty , at one hundred and seventy , one eighty , one ninety , two hundred , two twenty , two forty two sixty bid I 'm offered two sixty and I shall sell at two sixty , any further bids ?
2 Five hundred , five fifty six hundred offered I 'm offered six hundred against you , six fifty seven hundred seven hundred to my left , at seven hundred pounds .
3 Lot number twenty six Lot number twenty six , the grey jade pendant there 's the grey jade pendant showing Lot twenty six for thirty pounds at thirty , thirty five , forty , forty five , fifty for you sir , thank you , five sixty , sixty five seventy offered I 'm bid seventy in the centre now and selling for seventy , seventy five to my right eighty pounds eighty five eighty five , the lady 's offer , sir at eighty five pounds , any more at eight five pounds .
4 Lot number fifty four Lot fifty four copper bowl copper bowl showing for a hundred pounds , at one hundred and ten at a hundred and ten , twenty , thirty , forty , fifty sixty , seventy one eighty offered I 'm offered a hundred and eighty pounds , I shall sell for one eighty , one ninety going on sir ?
5 Thank you , Lot number eighty four Lot number eighty four a square seal there 's the seal showing eighty for this one , at eighty pounds at eighty pounds , eighty five , ninety , ninety five , a hundred pounds and ten one twenty thirty one forty fifty one hundred and fifty at the back against one sixty one seventy eighty one ninety two hundred two hundred to my right , at two hundred pounds , any more at two hundred , two twenty , a new bidder two fifty , at two hundred and fifty , two eighty three hundred offered I 'm offered three hundred to my right and selling for three hundred pounds .
6 Lot number twenty seven twenty seven the bronze model there 's the bronze model fifty for this , at fifty , thank you , fifty is offered , at five , sixty , sixty five , seventy , seventy five , eighty , eighty five ninety bid I 'm offered ninety pounds at the back , anybody else at ninety , ninety five one hundred going on sir ?
7 One seventy , one eighty one ninety offered I 'm offered a hundred and ninety pounds , have you all finished at one ninety ?
8 Lot number fifty Lot fifty is a wood carving , a Japanese wood carving , eighty pounds for this , eighty five , ninety five , one hundred and ten I 'm offered a hundred and ten pounds , I shall sell , one twenty , one thirty , forty , fifty one sixty bid I 'm offered one sixty to my right , at one hundred and sixty pounds , have you all finished at one sixty ?
9 Lot number forty five is the scribe scribe 's set , there it is for three hundred pounds , at three hundred , three twenty , three fifty , three eighty , four hundred , four twenty , four fifty four eighty offered I 'm offered four eighty to my left , five hundred seated , five fifty six hundred six fifty going to you sitting six hundred and fifty , going on ?
10 Four twenty , four fifty four eighty offered I 'm offered four hundred and eighty pounds , anybody else at four hundred and eighty pounds , have you all finished at four eighty ?
11 Four twenty , four fifty four eighty bid I 'm offered four hundred and eighty pounds , I shall sell at four eighty if there 's no further bid at four hundred and eighty pounds five hundred in time going one sir ?
12 Lot number seventy eight Lot seventy eight a patinated bronze teapot there 's the bronze teapot a hundred pounds at one hundred and ten , twenty , one hundred and twenty pounds at one hundred and twenty pounds , one thirty , forty , fifty , sixty , seventy , eighty ninety , two hundred two twenty bid I 'm offered two hundred and twenty to my right and selling for two twenty , two forty two sixty , two eighty three hundred and twenty three fifty three eighty four hundred and twenty four fifty , eighty five hundred and fifty six hundred six hundred pounds offered anybody else at six hundred pounds still to my right at six hundred pounds .
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