Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [adj] [noun sg] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The County Council produces eight free comprehensive timetable booklets which cover the areas shown above .
2 You may bequeath your Entire Estate , a Specific Sum of Money , Specific Property , or all or part of the Residue of your Estate — or even make a Conditional Bequest in the event that another potential beneficiary pre-deceases you .
3 Lesbian and gay bitterness was the more acute for a sense of betrayal , given the trail-blazing work of the Labour Greater London Council ( GLC ) , subsequent lesbian and gay equality policies by a number of Labour local authorities , and the breakthroughs achieved by the Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights — notably the 1985 Labour Annual Conference policy which was reaffirmed at the 1986 Annual Conference by a 79 per cent majority .
4 The department also offers a one-year Scandinavian Cultural History course which uses translated materials and therefore requires no knowledge of a Scandinavian language .
5 ‘ Or do you think he 's got the hots for this fabulous brown-eyed career woman he 's acquainted with in London ? ’
6 This book traces the history of the different regional long house types which emerged during the 16th century .
7 Particularly strong growth was achieved by the six weekly direct European container services which are becoming increasingly important to the Province in the lead up to 1992 and the implementation of the Single European Market .
8 Goleniewski had left behind in Warsaw copies of some 300 important intelligence documents which were retrieved by the CIA and brought to America .
9 As part of the major refurbishment to this warm intimate Music Hall we propose to renew the seats giving , extra legroom in extremely comfortable seats .
10 Typical are those cast-iron Victorian acorn-headed coat hooks which have been revived from moulds a century old .
11 On Oct. 11 Svein Urdal resigned as chief of intelligence after it was revealed that 10 out of some 100 Palestinian asylum seekers who arrived in Norway in late 1990 and early 1991 had been interviewed by the Israeli security service Mossad at the request of Norwegian police .
12 The polyps began to disappear shortly after I introduced some large blue mushroom polyps which were growing on a piece of dead coral .
13 And then he left her and he went with this three masted top schooner she was , very fine ship .
14 In the Individual mode clients received 12 weekly 45 minute sessions , while those treated in small groups ( 4–8 persons ) attended 12 weekly 90 minute group sessions which ran alongside an initial three individual sessions each .
15 This is the start of another great two pitch climb which forges its way up impressive rock at a reasonable grade : Pothole Wall , VS 4c , 5a .
16 The Far Eastern Economic Review of Dec. 12 reported that some 80 former student leaders who were active in the pro-democracy movement in the 1970s had formed a new political party , Pracha Dhamma .
17 These were of two kinds ; a displaced field in the header record at district level in nine counties , and in another ten incorrect grid references which were rejected by SASPAC .
18 There will be around in the room when they 're doing this any six research students who have experience with the equipment , and a lecturer , and the school teacher who was involved in planning that day 's work .
19 in this particular twelve month period your budget estimate would be wrong in that you needed to pay the residence back a hundred and eight pounds
20 A tall thin cylinder ( 300mm × 1600mm , for example ) is particularly useful when replacing an old galvanised hot water tank which has a cupboard built to fit it .
21 Mr Newbegin said Go-Ahead Northern is currently taking delivery of 30 new single deck buses which will bring the average age down to 9.1 years by May .
22 " Some nice old family portraits you have , " said David Fairfax eyeing the " Gainsboroughs " on the wall .
23 Laugh , Kate , and I 'll take you out to supper at this amusing little noodle shop I 've discovered in Chinatown .
24 He was a man brought up a bus ride away from Taibach , a word-clotted surreal dark comedy Welshman whom Burton adored .
25 An authentic German low alcohol lager which is brewed longer with reduced sugar to give a fuller flavour without the alcohol .
26 Management should agree on an annual major unifying exhibition theme which should relate to our main activities .
27 The EC observers would , however , go into Croatia only if their safety was guaranteed and if all parties accepted a ceasefire under joint JNA-Croatian National Guard patrols who would report back to EC monitors .
28 In early 1987 those CAB staff who conduct sessions in hospitals came together to exchange experiences .
29 On the six new long-term capital issues they made between 1948 and 1955 to finance expansion — each for £100–200 millions — they paid a rate which rose from a little over 3 per cent initially to just over 4½ per cent by 1955 .
30 That little black dress thing you wore to Pa 's last birthday party would be perfect , ’ David said .
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