Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] down from the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They went higher , up the steep winding road , snow banked high on either side of them and no traffic at all coming down from the pass .
2 Stories simply handed down by word of mouth over that length of time are likely to be less accurate than those written down from the beginning .
3 The eight men , from St John 's College , came in for a severe dressing down from the police after they bared all on a two-mile row down the River Isis .
4 But soon it might be depressing to look down from the Topping .
5 When he has good selective movements in his hemiplegic leg , he may be able to get down from the bath seat into the bath tub .
6 Personally , I do n't like the exercise of feeling a definite pull down from the top of the backswing .
7 The elder of the two leaned down from the saddle to clap him amiably on the shoulder , and said a word or two in his ear , before they trotted away along the Foregate towards the Horse Fair .
8 So we both came down from the mountain .
9 ‘ What 's she staring at ? ’ said Gazzer to Bella as they both looked down from the pier gardens .
10 They both jumped down from the lorry , they were still arguing loudly .
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