Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] that she [vb past] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Another commented that she did n't suffer heartburn any more .
2 Things had been ticking along nicely between them , just as long as she 'd been prepared to forget that she wanted more out of the relationship than a roll in the hay and a bright ‘ cheerio ’ at the airport .
3 This means that she jumped out of the aircraft by herself and her parachute opened automatically seconds later .
4 She was wearing glasses , and trousers , and a pink shirt with embroidered flowers , and she looked rather frightening , and Clara half wished that she had not come .
5 Its warm radiance drove the shivers from her and she was glad to see that she had n't disturbed Antoine .
6 It is hard to believe that she did not borrow others .
7 Jehana was trying so hard to demonstrate that she did not care for Alexei 's attentions that he was sure that she felt attracted to him .
8 She went hot all over at the thought , too upset to understand that she had only escaped his hold because he had let her .
9 Sensations running wild , Shelley put her arms round him , holding him close , unable to pretend that she did n't want him .
10 She was shocked to find that she had completely forgotten how to whistle .
11 A disquieting picture of the girl in the basement came into Ianthe 's mind and she was almost shocked to realise that she did not like to think of her looking after John .
12 Her little hand trembled in his much larger one , but Guy was too stunned to notice that she did n't pull away , although he continued to hold her as though she were as fragile as glass .
13 McLeish , who had understood from Francesca 's report of her lunch that she and her seniors were indeed going to push for assistance , was amused to hear that she had not succeeded in disguising her intentions from Miss Morgan .
14 I even found it difficult to believe that she had ever been in cahoots with Mr Broadhurst .
15 It would be nice to think that she woke up one day and thought , ‘ I 've got to do Michael 's show . ’
16 But as he did he saw two hooded crows scutter along the cliff face and sneak down upon her , calling threateningly , and as she turned to them he was astonished to see that she moved clumsily , uncertainly , not as an adult eagle should .
17 Her arm was stinging and as she looked down she was surprised to see that she had also grazed the skin there .
18 She was surprised to find that she felt only contempt .
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