Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] the [noun sg] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ( This emphasises the point that before accepting any cheque proof of identity should be sought . )
2 This raises the possibility that in some instances the number of authors may be negotiable : by limiting the number of cited authors to six , last authors receive acknowledgment in citation listings .
3 This raises the question as to whether the genuineness of the Church should be judged by its effectiveness in achieving growth .
4 I think it is helpful to think of the latter as debtor ( creditor-supplier ) agreements since this emphasizes the fact that in such agreements there is some connection between the creditor and the supplier : either they are the same person eg in the credit-sale , conditional sale , of HP agreement ; or there are business arrangements between them .
5 This underlines the fact that in nuclear matters , as in the laws of war generally , domestic law may be very important both as a source of the law and as providing some sanctions .
6 This reflects the fact that with enough technological and/or organisational expertise , you can either greatly reduce the requirements for these inputs , find substitutes , or actually create them de novo .
7 It may be artificial and unhelpful to consider the question as to the existence of a duty of care in isolation from the elements of breach of duty and damage .
8 This regards the question as to whether or not national cultural support measures conflict with the principle of free competition , the cornerstone of the EC Treaty .
9 This prompts the question as to whether young females lay down less fat in species showing reversed size dimorphism .
10 This supports the idea that for both groups of children ties were solved direct from long term memory without any counting .
11 This ended the controversy and at last the Sutton villagers were able to be buried in their own churchyard .
12 It is possible to overdo the effect and for the appearance of the reception area to become something of an ‘ ego trip ’ for the head teacher .
13 It was very dangerous to fight the fire because of the heat , smoke and fumes .
14 It would have been quite impossible to finish the book but for the computer program I had been given .
15 The Divisional Court in the second case even said that s.12 was inapplicable where there was a fundamental mistake e.g. the accused deceived the victim as to his identity .
16 At Christmas they always played ‘ You came down from the stars ’ and at Easter they usually played a Pastorale , and what with the roar of the traffic and the crowds of chattering shoppers or tourists it was practically impossible to distinguish the tune except in short bursts .
17 When Hirst and another four members of the group protested to the police about this , they too were arrested , for conduct likely to breach the peace and for obstruction .
18 Despite such claims , it is hard to avoid the conclusion that in both the USA and the UK , the audio-visual movement rarely came to grips with the need for an elaborated theory going beyond the use of audio-visual materials as decorative additions to the traditional lesson .
19 Married women were thought to be particularly likely to abuse the system because of the temptation to stay at home to catch up with housework .
20 These include the requirement that on cessation of a business an employer shall pay any Class 1A contribution in respect of the current year within 14 days after the income tax month in which he makes his final payment of earnings to employees .
21 Understandably , Tony O'Dalaigh is anxious that what he describes as the ‘ chaos with Archaos ’ does n't hang over reports of the 1991 Dublin Theatre Festival ‘ I would n't want it all to obscure the fact that in terms of the festival 's visibility and the people who turned up to see the shows we had the most successful festival in years .
22 Yes , I 'm sure , I mean we obviously all appreciate the fact that within wards there 's an area of deprivation and an area that is n't deprived .
23 People have short memories , and it may be useful to remind the House that in 1972 President Pompidou announced on French television that there would be a European common currency by 31 December 1980 .
24 Such is diplomacy , but the message did little to disguise the fact that from the Delors point of view a Labour victory would have been infinitely preferable .
25 It is important to support the heel and for this Inter have constructed Caroline with a stiff leather heel counter .
26 By 1567 Thurland and the Germans were able to inform the Crown that at last they had manufactured copper on a commercial scale and that their prospecting had revealed much in the way of exploitable minerals .
27 By referring to these the receptionist will be able to inform the enquirer as to the availability of accommodation and give details of the charges and facilities of the hotel .
28 This book does not have a polemical purpose , but the author has not been able to escape the conclusion that at least some of the customs and habits of mind of the earlier period tended to induce healthier attitudes , both among those on their death-beds and those left behind to mourn .
29 In spite of the best efforts of the health service , we had been unable to persuade the public that by far the bigger danger was of children not being inoculated .
30 Not only must the firm be satisfied that the client is able to finance the transaction but before making any public announcement , tangible evidence must be available .
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