Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] and [verb] [pron] in " in BNC.

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1 No doubt the judge , if he does not agree with the course proposed , is fully entitled to convey that to counsel and discuss it in the absence of the jury .
2 Ron says : ‘ It 's wonderful that people will do so much to try and help someone in trouble , just because it is the right thing to do . ’
3 The lightweight ‘ On And On ’ gains pounds as that naggingly effective chorus does what all choruses are supposed to do and lodges itself in your memory banks .
4 Jonathan , if that breaks and hits someone in the eye , you will be in big trouble .
5 I decided after all it would be better to go and see him in the shop like you said — ’
6 Then see if you can work out what those says and put them in the right places .
7 The ability to store more food than we could eat at once also meant being able to buy and sell it in real quantity and the merchant cities arose .
8 How could you direct a team when your staff practised half a dozen different scientific disciplines , used their own methods , were responsible for their own results , stood finally alone to justify and defend them in the only place where the quality of a forensic scientist 's work could properly be judged , the witness box of a court of law ?
9 This seminar is designed specifically for all those who come into contact with IBM 's products and terminology and who want to be able to understand and discuss them in order to carry out their jobs more effectively .
10 Some people like to use a card for each question at this stage so that it is simple to move questions about as it seems desirable to order and re-order them in the best sequence .
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